Paper 2020/1267
Fault Attacks In Symmetric Key Cryptosystems
Anubhab Baksi, Shivam Bhasin, Jakub Breier, Dirmanto Jap, and Dhiman Saha
Fault attacks are among the well-studied topics in the area of cryptography. These attacks constitute a powerful tool to recover the secret key used in the encryption process. Fault attacks work by forcing a device to work under non-ideal environmental conditions (such as high temperature) or external disturbances (such as glitch in the power supply) while performing a cryptographic operation. The recent trend shows that the amount of research in this direction; which ranges from attacking a particular primitive, proposing a fault countermeasure, to attacking countermeasures; has grown up substantially and going to stay as an active research interest for a foreseeable future. Hence, it becomes apparent to have a comprehensive yet compact study of the (major) works. This work, which covers a wide spectrum in the present day research on fault attacks that fall under the purview of the symmetric key cryptography, aims at fulfilling the absence of an up-to-date survey. We present mostly all aspects of the topic in a way which is not only understandable for a non-expert reader, but also helpful for an expert as a reference.
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Secret-key cryptography
- Publication info
- Published elsewhere. Minor revision. ACM Journal of Computing Surveys
- Keywords
- fault attackcountermeasuresymmetric keysystemization of knowledge
- Contact author(s)
- anubhab001 @ e ntu edu sg
- History
- 2022-03-25: last of 8 revisions
- 2020-10-14: received
- See all versions
- Short URL
- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2020/1267, author = {Anubhab Baksi and Shivam Bhasin and Jakub Breier and Dirmanto Jap and Dhiman Saha}, title = {Fault Attacks In Symmetric Key Cryptosystems}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2020/1267}, year = {2020}, url = {} }