Paper 2020/1257

Improved Reduction Between SIS Problems over Structured Lattices

ZaHyun Koo, Yongwoo Lee, Joon-Woo Lee, Jong-Seon No, and Young-Sik Kim


Lattice-based cryptographic scheme is constructed based on hard problems on an algebraic structured lattice such as the short integer solution (SIS) problems. These problems are called ring-SIS (R-SIS) and its generalized version, module-SIS (M-SIS). Generally, it has been considered that problems defined on the module-lattice are more difficult than the problems defined on the ideal-lattice. However, Koo, No, and Kim showed that R-SIS is more difficult than M-SIS under some norm constraints of R-SIS. However, this reduction has problems that the rank of the module is limited to about half of the instances of R-SIS, and the comparison is not performed through the same modulus of R-SIS and M-SIS. In this paper, we propose that R-SIS is more difficult than M-SIS with the same modulus under some constraint of R-SIS. Also, we show that R-SIS with the modulus prime $q$ is more difficult than M-SIS with the composite modulus $c$ such that $c$ is divided by $q$. In particular, it shows that through the reduction from M-SIS to R-SIS with the same modulus, the rank of the module is extended as much as the number of instances of R-SIS from half of the number of instances of R-SIS. Finally, this paper shows that R-SIS is more difficult than M-SIS under some constraint, which is tighter than the M-SIS in the previous work.

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Preprint. MAJOR revision.
Lattice-based cryptographyring-short integer solution (R-SIS) problemshort integer solution (SIS) problem
Contact author(s)
bravokoo @ ccl snu ac kr
yongwool @ ccl snu ac kr
joonwoo3511 @ ccl snu ac kr
jsno @ snu ac kr
iamyskim @ chosun ac kr
2021-02-24: revised
2020-10-14: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {ZaHyun Koo and Yongwoo Lee and Joon-Woo Lee and Jong-Seon No and Young-Sik Kim},
      title = {Improved Reduction Between {SIS} Problems over Structured Lattices},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2020/1257},
      year = {2020},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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