Paper 2020/1256

Asymptotically Good Multiplicative LSSS over Galois Rings and Applications to MPC over Z/p^k Z

Mark Abspoel, Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgård, Daniel Escudero, Matthieu Rambaud, Chaoping Xing, and Chen Yuan


We study information-theoretic multiparty computation (MPC) protocols over rings $\mathbb{Z}/p^k \mathbb{Z}$ that have good asymptotic communication complexity for a large number of players. An important ingredient for such protocols is arithmetic secret sharing, i.e., linear secret-sharing schemes with multiplicative properties. The standard way to obtain these over fields is with a family of linear codes $C$, such that $C$, $C^\perp$ and $C^2$ are asymptotically good (strongly multiplicative). For our purposes here it suffices if the square code $C^2$ is not the whole space, i.e., has codimension at least 1 (multiplicative). Our approach is to lift such a family of codes defined over a finite field $\mathbb F$ to a Galois ring, which is a local ring that has $\mathbb F$ as its residue field and that contains $\mathbb{Z}/p^k \mathbb{Z}$ as a subring, and thus enables arithmetic that is compatible with both structures. Although arbitrary lifts preserve the distance and dual distance of a code, as we demonstrate with a counterexample, the multiplicative property is not preserved. We work around this issue by showing a dedicated lift that preserves \emph{self-orthogonality} (as well as distance and dual distance), for $p \geq 3$. Self-orthogonal codes are multiplicative, therefore we can use existing results of asymptotically good self-dual codes over fields to obtain arithmetic secret sharing over Galois rings. For $p = 2$ we obtain multiplicativity by using existing techniques of secret-sharing using both $C$ and $C^\perp$, incurring a constant overhead. As a result, we obtain asymptotically good arithmetic secret-sharing schemes over Galois rings. With these schemes in hand, we extend existing field-based MPC protocols to obtain MPC over $\mathbb{Z}/p^k \mathbb{Z}$, in the setting of a submaximal adversary corrupting less than a fraction $1/2 - \varepsilon$ of the players, where $\varepsilon > 0$ is arbitrarily small. We consider 3 different corruption models. For passive and active security with abort, our protocols communicate $O(n)$ bits per multiplication. For full security with guaranteed output delivery we use a preprocessing model and get $O(n)$ bits per multiplication in the online phase and $O(n \log n)$ bits per multiplication in the offline phase. Thus, we obtain true linear bit complexities, without the common assumption that the ring size depends on the number of players.

Note: This is the full version of the corresponding paper at ASIACRYPT 2020

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
A major revision of an IACR publication in ASIACRYPT 2020
Multiparty ComputationGalois RingsCoding Theory
Contact author(s)
escudero @ cs au dk
m a abspoel @ cwi nl
2020-10-15: revised
2020-10-14: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Mark Abspoel and Ronald Cramer and Ivan Damgård and Daniel Escudero and Matthieu Rambaud and Chaoping Xing and Chen Yuan},
      title = {Asymptotically Good Multiplicative {LSSS} over Galois Rings and Applications to {MPC} over Z/p^k Z},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2020/1256},
      year = {2020},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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