Paper 2020/1111

Extending the Signed Non-zero Bit and Sign-Aligned Columns Methods to General Bases for Use in Cryptography

Abhraneel Dutta, Aaron Hutchinson, and Koray Karabina


An efficient scalar multiplication algorithm is a crucial component of elliptic curve cryptosystems. We propose a scalar multiplication algorithm based on scalar recodings that is regular in nature. Our scalar multiplication algorithm is made from two scalar recoding algorithms called \Recode and \Align. \Recode is the generalization of the signed non-zero bit recoding algorithm given by Hedabou, Pinel and Bénéteau in 2005. It recodes the k-ary representation of the given scalar into a signed non-zero form by means of a small lookup table. On the other hand, \Align is the generalized k-ary version of the sign-aligned columns recoding algorithm given by Faz-Hernández, Longa and Sánchez in 2014. It recodes the k-ary representation of a scalar in such a way that the sign of each of its digits agrees with a given -valued sequence. When analyzing the choice of , we find some theoretical evidence that may offer better performance in certain scenarios.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Elliptic curvesscalar multiplicationscalar recoding
Contact author(s)
adutta2016 @ fau edu
a5hutchinson @ uwaterloo ca
koray karabina @ nrc-cnrc gc ca
2020-10-28: last of 2 revisions
2020-09-15: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Abhraneel Dutta and Aaron Hutchinson and Koray Karabina},
      title = {Extending the Signed Non-zero Bit and Sign-Aligned Columns Methods to General Bases for Use in Cryptography},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2020/1111},
      year = {2020},
      url = {}
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