Paper 2020/054

Parameterized Hardware Accelerators for Lattice-Based Cryptography and Their Application to the HW/SW Co-Design of qTESLA

Wen Wang, Shanquan Tian, Bernhard Jungk, Nina Bindel, Patrick Longa, and Jakub Szefer


This paper presents a set of efficient and parameterized hardware accelerators that target post-quantum lattice-based cryptographic schemes, including a versatile cSHAKE core, a binary-search CDT-based Gaussian sampler, and a pipelined NTT-based polynomial multiplier, among others. Unlike much of prior work, the accelerators are fully open-sourced, are designed to be constant-time, and can be parameterized at compile-time to support different parameters without the need for re-writing the hardware implementation. These flexible, publicly-available accelerators are leveraged to demonstrate the first hardware-software co-design using RISC-V of the post-quantum lattice-based signature scheme qTESLA with provably secure parameters. In particular, this work demonstrates that the NIST’s Round 2 level 1 and level 3 qTESLA variants achieve over a 40-100x speedup for key generation, about a 10x speedup for signing, and about a 16x speedup for verification, compared to the baseline RISC-V software-only implementation. For instance, this corresponds to execution in 7.7, 34.4, and 7.8 milliseconds for key generation, signing, and verification, respectively, for qTESLA’s level 1 parameter set on an Artix-7 FPGA, demonstrating the feasibility of the scheme for embedded applications.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. TCHES 2020 (Issue 3)
Lattice-based cryptographyPost-quantum cryptographyqTESLAHardware acceleratorsHardware-software co-designFPGARISC-V
Contact author(s)
wen wang ww349 @ yale edu
shanquan tian @ yale edu
jakub szefer @ yale edu
bernhard @ projectstarfire de
nlbindel @ uwaterloo ca
plonga @ microsoft com
2020-04-11: revised
2020-01-20: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Wen Wang and Shanquan Tian and Bernhard Jungk and Nina Bindel and Patrick Longa and Jakub Szefer},
      title = {Parameterized Hardware Accelerators for Lattice-Based Cryptography and Their Application to the {HW}/{SW} Co-Design of {qTESLA}},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2020/054},
      year = {2020},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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