Paper 2020/003

New Constructions of Traceable Range Proofs: Towards Multiple Regulation and Joint Regulation

Wulu Li, Lei Chen, Xin Lai, and Xiao Zhang


Traceable range proof (TRP) plays a major role in the construction of regulatable privacy-preserving blockchains, as it empowers regulators with traceability of the hidden amount in each transaction. In this paper, we give new constructions of TRPs with improved efficiency and more regulatory functions. In particular, we introduce sTBoRP: a simplified traceable Borromean range proof directly from Borromean ring signature without additional validity proofs for tracing keys, sTBoRP can be applied for multiple regulation between different regulators, and can be further modified to be secure against malicious regulators. Moreover, we introduce jTBuRP: a modified traceable Bulletproofs range proof to support joint regulation against collusion attack of malicious regulators, by improving the generation algorithm of tracing keys. We also give the security proofs for both schemes and give the comparisons of efficiency and security.

Available format(s)
-- withdrawn --
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Traceable range proofRegulatable blockchainMultiple regulationJoint regulationPrivacy-preserving
Contact author(s)
lwlmax @ 126 com
2020-09-01: withdrawn
2020-01-03: received
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