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Paper 2019/953

PLONK: Permutations over Lagrange-bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive arguments of Knowledge

Ariel Gabizon and Zachary J. Williamson and Oana Ciobotaru


zk-SNARK constructions that utilize an updatable universal structured reference string remove one of the main obstacles in deploying zk-SNARKs [GKMMM, Crypto 2018]. The important work of Maller et al. [MBKM, CCS 2019] presented Sonic - the first potentially practical zk-SNARK with fully succinct verification for general arithmetic circuits with such an SRS. However, the version of Sonic enabling fully succinct verification still requires relatively high proof construction overheads. We present a universal SNARK construction with fully succinct verification, and significantly lower prover running time (roughly 7.5-20 less group exponentiations than [MBKM] in the fully succinct verifier mode depending on circuit structure). Similarly to [MBKM],[Bootle et. al, Eurocrypt 2016] we rely on a permutation argument based on Bayer and Groth [Eurocrypt 2012]. However, we focus on ``Evaluations on a subgroup rather than coefficients of monomials''; which enables simplifying both the permutation argument and the artihmetization step.

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Preprint. MINOR revision.
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ariel gabizon @ gmail com
2024-02-23: last of 42 revisions
2019-08-21: received
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