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Paper 2019/756

SKIVA: Flexible and Modular Side-channel and Fault Countermeasures

Pantea Kiaei and Darius Mercadier and Pierre-Evariste Dagand and Karine Heydemann and Patrick Schaumont


We describe SKIVA, a customized 32-bit processor enabling the design of software countermeasures for a broad range of implementation attacks covering fault injection and side-channel analysis of timing-based and power-based leakage. We design the countermeasures as variants of bitslice programming. Our protection scheme is flexible and modular, allowing us to combine higher-order masking -- fending off side-channel analysis -- with complementary spatial and temporal redundancy -- protecting against fault injection. Multiple configurations of side-channel and fault protection enable the programmer to select the desired number of shares and the desired redundancy level for each slice. Recurring and security-sensitive operations are supported in hardware through a custom instruction set extension. The new instructions support bitslicing, secret-share generation, redundant logic computation, and fault detection. We demonstrate and analyze multiple versions of AES from a side-channel analysis and a fault-injection perspective, in addition to providing a detailed performance evaluation of the protected designs.

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
BitslicingSide-channel attacksFault attacksCustom-instruction extensionsSoftware Countermeasures
Contact author(s)
pantea95 @ vt edu,darius mercadier @ gmail com,pierre-evariste dagand @ lip6 fr,karine heydemann @ lip6 fr,schaum @ vt edu
2019-11-27: revised
2019-07-02: received
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