Paper 2019/643

Indistinguishability Obfuscation Without Multilinear Maps: New Paradigms via Low Degree Weak Pseudorandomness and Security Amplification

Prabhanjan Ananth, Aayush Jain, Huijia Lin, Christian Matt, and Amit Sahai


The existence of secure indistinguishability obfuscators (iO) has far-reaching implications, significantly expanding the scope of problems amenable to cryptographic study. All known approaches to constructing iO rely on d-linear maps. While secure bilinear maps are well established in cryptographic literature, the security of candidates for is poorly understood. We propose a new approach to constructing iO for general circuits. Unlike all previously known realizations of iO, we avoid the use of -linear maps of degree . At the heart of our approach is the assumption that a new weak pseudorandom object exists. We consider two related variants of these objects, which we call perturbation resilient generator (RG) and pseudo flawed-smudging generator (PFG), respectively. At a high level, both objects are polynomially expanding functions whose outputs partially hide (or smudge) small noise vectors when added to them. We further require that they are computable by a family of degree-3 polynomials over . We show how they can be used to construct functional encryption schemes with weak security guarantees. Finally, we use novel amplification techniques to obtain full security. As a result, we obtain iO for general circuits assuming: - Subexponentially secure LWE - Bilinear Maps - -secure 3-block-local PRGs - RGs or PFGs

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Publication info
Published by the IACR in CRYPTO 2019
Contact author(s)
prabhanjan @ csail mit edu
aayushjain @ cs ucla edu
rachel @ cs washington edu
cm @ concordium com
sahai @ cs ucla edu
2019-09-16: revised
2019-06-03: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Prabhanjan Ananth and Aayush Jain and Huijia Lin and Christian Matt and Amit Sahai},
      title = {Indistinguishability Obfuscation Without Multilinear Maps: New Paradigms via Low Degree Weak Pseudorandomness and Security Amplification},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2019/643},
      year = {2019},
      url = {}
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