Paper 2019/210
CRAFT: Lightweight Tweakable Block Cipher with Efficient Protection Against DFA Attacks
Christof Beierle, Gregor Leander, Amir Moradi, and Shahram Rasoolzadeh
Traditionally, countermeasures against physical attacks are integrated into the implementation of cryptographic primitives after the algorithms have been designed for achieving a certain level of cryptanalytic security. This picture has been changed by the introduction of PICARO, ZORRO, and FIDES, where efficient protection against Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) attacks has been considered in their design. In this work we present the tweakable block cipher CRAFT: the efficient protection of its implementations against Differential Fault Analysis (DFA) attacks has been one of the main design criteria, while we provide strong bounds for its security in the related-tweak model. Considering the area footprint of round-based hardware implementations, CRAFT outperforms the other lightweight ciphers with the same state and key size. This holds not only for unprotected implementations but also when fault-detection facilities, side-channel protection, and their combination are integrated into the implementation. In addition to supporting a 64-bit tweak, CRAFT has the additional property that the circuit realizing the encryption can support the decryption functionality as well with very little area overhead.
Note: In the last version we fixed some typos in the related-tweak differentials reported in Section 5.4, together with an update of the differentials and linear hulls which cover a maximum number of rounds.
- Available format(s)
- Publication info
- A minor revision of an IACR publication in TOSC 2019
- Keywords
- CRAFTblock ciphertweakablelightweightfault detectioninvolutory
- Contact author(s)
christof beierle @ rub de
gregor leander @ rub de
amir moradi @ rub de
shahram rasoolzadeh @ rub de - History
- 2020-02-10: last of 3 revisions
- 2019-02-27: received
- See all versions
- Short URL
- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2019/210, author = {Christof Beierle and Gregor Leander and Amir Moradi and Shahram Rasoolzadeh}, title = {{CRAFT}: Lightweight Tweakable Block Cipher with Efficient Protection Against {DFA} Attacks}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2019/210}, year = {2019}, url = {} }