Paper 2019/1425

HIBEChain: A Hierarchical Identity-based Blockchain System for Large-Scale IoT

Zhiguo Wan, Wei Liu, and Hui Cui


Internet-of-Things enables interconnection of billions of devices, which perform autonomous operations and collect various types of data. These things, along with their generated huge amount of data, need to be handled efficiently and securely. Centralized solutions are not desired due to security concerns and scalability issue. In this paper, we propose HIBEChain, a hierarchical blockchain system that realizes scalable and accountable management of IoT devices and data. HIBEChain consists of multiple permissioned blockchains that form a hierarchical tree structure. To support the hierarchical structure of HIBEChain, we design a decentralized hierarchical identity-based signature (DHIBS) scheme, which enables IoT devices to use their identities as public keys. Consequently, HIBEChain achieves high scalability through parallel processing as blockchain sharding schemes, and it also implements accountability by use of identity-base keys. Identity-based keys not only make HIBEChain more user-friendly, they also allow private key recovery by validators when necessary. We provide detailed analysis of its security and performance, and implement HIBEChain based on Ethereum source code. Experiment results show that a 6-ary, (7,10)-threshold, 4-level HIBEChain can achieve 32,000 TPS, and it needs only 9 seconds to confirm a transaction.

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
BlockchainIoTKey ManagementIdentity-based Signature
Contact author(s)
wanzhiguo @ sdu edu cn
2019-12-10: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Zhiguo Wan and Wei Liu and Hui Cui},
      title = {{HIBEChain}: A Hierarchical Identity-based Blockchain System for Large-Scale {IoT}},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2019/1425},
      year = {2019},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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