Paper 2019/1327

Spy Based Analysis of Selfish Mining Attack on Multi-Stage Blockchain

Donghoon Chang, Munawar Hasan, and Pranav Jain


In this paper, we present a selfish mining attack on the multi-stage blockchain proposed by Palash Sarkar. We provide detailed analysis of computational wastage of honest miners and biased rewards achieved by the selfish pool. In our analysis, we introduce a spy inside an honest pool which is a trivial task. Our spy is responsible for leaking the information of the stage mining from the honest pool to the selfish pool. In our analysis, we consider all the possible configurations of mining namely sequential, parallel and pipelining. In all of these configurations, we show through our mathematical equations as to how a selfish miner can succeed in wasting the computation power of the honest miner and how he can influence the reward of mining. For completeness, we provide an algorithm for performing a selfish mining attack on all the scenarios on multi-stage blockchain. To thwart selfish mining on multi-stage blockchain we redesign the original verification algorithm by introducing a new parameter called the crypto-stamp. We present a new algorithm that uses crypto-stamp during the verification process of the mined stages or blocks and is able to detect with high probability whether the stages or blocks were kept private or not.

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
blockchainselfish mining attack
Contact author(s)
donghoon @ iiitd ac in
munawar1440 @ iiitd ac in
pranav16255 @ iiitd ac in
2019-11-19: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Donghoon Chang and Munawar Hasan and Pranav Jain},
      title = {Spy Based Analysis of Selfish Mining Attack on Multi-Stage Blockchain},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2019/1327},
      year = {2019},
      url = {}
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