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Paper 2019/1171

Almost universal codes for MIMO wiretap channels

Laura Luzzi and Roope Vehkalahti and Cong Ling


Despite several works on secrecy coding for fading and MIMO wiretap channels from an error probability perspective, the construction of information-theoretically secure codes over such channels remains an open problem. In this paper, we consider a fading wiretap channel model where the transmitter has only partial statistical channel state information. Our channel model includes static channels, i.i.d. block fading channels, and ergodic stationary fading with fast decay of large deviations for the eavesdropper's channel. We extend the flatness factor criterion from the Gaussian wiretap channel to fading and MIMO wiretap channels, and establish a simple design criterion where the normalized product distance / minimum determinant of the lattice and its dual should be maximized simultaneously. Moreover, we propose concrete lattice codes satisfying this design criterion, which are built from algebraic number fields with constant root discriminant in the single-antenna case, and from division algebras centered at such number fields in the multiple-antenna case.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. Minor revision. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, vol. 64, pp. 7218-7241, Nov. 2018.
information theorylattices
Contact author(s)
c ling @ imperial ac uk
2019-10-10: received
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