Paper 2019/117

Non-Interactive Keyed-Verification Anonymous Credentials

Geoffroy Couteau and Michael Reichle


Anonymous credential (AC) schemes are protocols which allow for authentication of authorized users without compromising their privacy. Of particular interest are non-interactive anonymous credential (NIAC) schemes, where the authentication process only requires the user to send a single message that still conceals its identity. Unfortunately, all known NIAC schemes in the standard model require pairing based cryptography, which limits them to a restricted set of specific assumptions and requires expensive pairing computations. The notion of keyed-verification anonymous credential (KVAC) was introduced in (Chase et al., CCS'14) as an alternative to standard anonymous credential schemes allowing for more efficient instantiations; yet, making existing KVAC non-interactive either requires pairing-based cryptography, or the Fiat-Shamir heuristic. In this work, we construct the first non-interactive keyed-verification anonymous credential (NIKVAC) system in the standard model, without pairings. Our scheme is efficient, attribute-based, supports multi-show unlinkability, and anonymity revocation. We achieve this by building upon a combination of algebraic \MAC with the recent designated-verifier non-interactive zero-knowledge (DVNIZK) proof of knowledge of (Couteau and Chaidos, Eurocrypt'18). Toward our goal of building NIKVAC, we revisit the security analysis of a MAC scheme introduced in (Chase et al., CCS'14), strengthening its guarantees, and we introduce the notion of oblivious non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system, where the prover can generate non-interactive proofs for statements that he cannot check by himself, having only a part of the corresponding witness, and where the proof can be checked efficiently given the missing part of the witness. We provide an efficient construction of an oblivious DVNIZK, building upon the specific properties of the DVNIZK proof system of (Couteau and Chaidos, Eurocrypt'18).

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
A minor revision of an IACR publication in PKC 2019
Anonymous credentialskeyed-verification anonymous credentialsnon-interactive anonymous credentials
Contact author(s)
geoffroy couteau @ kit edu
2019-02-07: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Geoffroy Couteau and Michael Reichle},
      title = {Non-Interactive Keyed-Verification Anonymous Credentials},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2019/117},
      year = {2019},
      url = {}
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