Paper 2019/1102

Applications on traceable range proofs from fully regulatable privacy-preserving blockchains

Wulu Li, Lei Chen, Xin Lai, Xiao Zhang, and Jiajun Xin


Traceable range proofs enable regulators to trace the amounts of transactions in privacy-preserving blockchains, but it lacks adequate functionality in the application scenarios such as currency (assets) transfer, international trades and taxation, etc. In this paper, we give multiple modifications and applications on traceable Borromean range proof (TBoRP) and traceable Bulletproofs range proof (TBuRP), which realize functionalities including multi-currency regulation, regulatable private assets transfer, auxiliary privacy calculation and secure joint regulation by usage of zero-knowledge proofs, homomorphic commitments and MPC protocols. Our work can help regulators to choose the regulatory policy as they wish and help users to transfer assets, compute private amounts under the regulation efficiently and independently. Our solutions are well suited for the future applications of regulatable privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies.

Note: If you have comments or suggestions, please contact us by e-Mail.

Available format(s)
-- withdrawn --
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Regulatable blockchainsPrivacy preservingTraceable range proofsApplications
Contact author(s)
liwulu @ onething net
2020-09-01: withdrawn
2019-09-29: received
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Creative Commons Attribution
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