Paper 2019/1089

Lattice-Face Key Infrastructure (LFKI) for Quantum Resistant Computing

Josiah Johnson Umezurike


A new light is shown by exploring a hybrid system designed to exhibit symmetric and asymmetric properties. LFKI is code named, end-to-end cryptographic system for cloud, mobile, internet of things (IOT) and devices (ECSMID). Until now, there had not been much done on lattice faces as a hybrid cryptographic solution. Here in, we do not owe respect to only randomization reduction or deterministic reduction. We embrace a collective approach to defining the old age question of what problem is hard enough in NP to resist a quantum assailant. Especially, non-deterministic reduction is used to show that lattices are interesting hard problems within the set of NP Complete problems. Though the shortest vector problem (SVP) seems promising. It is nearly enough to facilitate and establish lattice basis; an exception from the priori art [1]. The many configurations of their vertices seem to dismiss the wonderful properties of the dynamic faces abounding in various constructs. The elements of these faces in between regions bounded by the vertices and edges are of great interest to cryptography. When represented as numerical values serve as mathematical images of the basis distribution. It is demonstrated that each vector representation has the potential to generate cryptographically secure number of keys. They follow, somewhat rigid rules; deterministic and yet a chaotic arrangement of the lattice vectors represented within a matrix. A fitting rule is already available with necessary mechanisms to produce 1: n relationship of a plaintext for many ciphertexts. –Open Knight Tour (OKT) can easily modify to absorb larger matrices. We demonstrate, that a theoretical quantum circuit has the controls to resist the quantum assailant using continuous noise; both in a quasi-patterned formation and random formation of homogenous input yielding homomorphic outputs.

Note: This work although controversial will spawn many changes in the mind of cryptographers. We do have an android smart phone application currently running on this reference specification. It is the culmination of 20+ year independent work completed at USC Incubator in South Carolina, USA. We are willing to make the necessary changes if you deem it relevant. Find it here

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
OTPQubitSVPCVPLattice-basis2048 BitsAESCryptographyQRQIBlockchain
Contact author(s)
jumezurike @ lokdon com
2019-12-07: last of 6 revisions
2019-09-29: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Josiah Johnson Umezurike},
      title = {Lattice-Face Key Infrastructure ({LFKI}) for Quantum Resistant Computing},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2019/1089},
      year = {2019},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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