Paper 2018/728

A k-out-of-n Ring Signature with Flexible Participation for Signers

Takeshi Okamoto, Raylin Tso, Michitomo Yamaguchi, and Eiji Okamoto


A k-out-of-n ring signature is a kind of anonymous signature that can be performed by any member in a group. This signature allows the creation of valid signatures if and only if actual signers more than or equal to k sign the message among n possible signers. In this paper, we present a new -out-of- ring signature. Our signature has a remarkable property: When the signature is updated from -out-of- to -out-of-, the previous signers do not need to sign a message again. Our scheme can ``reuse'' the old signature, whereas the previous schemes revoke it and create a signature from scratch. We call this property ``{{flexibility}}'' and formalize it rigorously. Our signature scheme has a multiple ring structure, each ring of which is based on -out-of- ring signature. The structure of our scheme is completely different from that of conventional schemes, such as a secret-sharing type. The signers' keys are mostly independent of each user, thanks to a part of keys which use a special hash function. We give the results of provable security for our scheme.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
anonymityring signaturek-out-of-n propertyflexible participation
Contact author(s)
raylin @ cs nccu edu tw
2018-08-09: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Takeshi Okamoto and Raylin Tso and Michitomo Yamaguchi and Eiji Okamoto},
      title = {A $k$-out-of-$n$ Ring Signature with Flexible Participation for Signers},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2018/728},
      year = {2018},
      url = {}
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