Paper 2018/331

Estimate all the {LWE, NTRU} schemes!

Martin R. Albrecht, Benjamin R. Curtis, Amit Deo, Alex Davidson, Rachel Player, Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, Fernando Virdia, and Thomas Wunderer


We consider all LWE- and NTRU-based encryption, key encapsulation, and digital signature schemes proposed for standardisation as part of the Post-Quantum Cryptography process run by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In particular, we investigate the impact that different estimates for the asymptotic runtime of (block-wise) lattice reduction have on the predicted security of these schemes. Relying on the ``LWE estimator'' of Albrecht et al., we estimate the cost of running primal and dual lattice attacks against every LWE-based scheme, using every cost model proposed as part of a submission. Furthermore, we estimate the security of the proposed NTRU-based schemes against the primal attack under all cost models for lattice reduction.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. Minor revision. Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN'18)
post-quantum cryptographypublic-key cryptographycryptanalysislearning with errorsNTRUNIST
Contact author(s)
benjamin curtis 2015 @ rhul ac uk
2018-12-03: revised
2018-04-10: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Martin R.  Albrecht and Benjamin R.  Curtis and Amit Deo and Alex Davidson and Rachel Player and Eamonn W.  Postlethwaite and Fernando Virdia and Thomas Wunderer},
      title = {Estimate all the {{LWE}, {NTRU}} schemes!},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2018/331},
      year = {2018},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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