Paper 2018/271

MathCoin: A Blockchain Proposal that Helps Verify Mathematical Theorems In Public

Borching Su


A public blockchain is proposed in an attempt to enable the coin holders to participate in verifying mathematical theorems for public access. Incentives are designed to encourage any party to contribute their knowledge by buying tokens of mathematical propositions that they believe are true. The proposed blockchain is a platform for people to exchange their belief in mathematical propositions. An implementation of this blockchain proposal, once established, will provide the general public with an easy and instant access to reliable knowledge without having to read difficult proofs or having to blindly trust a small number of experts. Conversely, experts from various fields may find it much easier for making their work appreciated by more people, leading to a better impact. According to the incentive inherently provided by the blockchain, they can even earn significantly if they do prove some theorems that were not previously known by the blockchain. Foundations who are interested in the validity of a particular proposition not yet explicitly recorded on the blockchain can donate a fund, which will distribute to experts who contribute positive efforts toward solving the specified problems. Only the people who erroneously create or buy tokens of a proposition that is eventually proven false will lose money. A reference design of the proposed blockchain that attempts to achieve the above-mentioned goal is described and reasoned.

Note: Some typos and grammar errors are fixed. Added the author's affiliation.

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Contact author(s)
borching @ gmail com
2018-04-08: revised
2018-03-14: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Borching Su},
      title = {{MathCoin}: A Blockchain Proposal that Helps Verify Mathematical Theorems In Public},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2018/271},
      year = {2018},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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