Paper 2018/1018

Faster multiplication in Z2m[x] on Cortex-M4 to speed up NIST PQC candidates

Matthias J. Kannwischer, Joost Rijneveld, and Peter Schwabe


In this paper we optimize multiplication of polynomials in Z2m[x] on the ARM Cortex-M4 microprocessor. We use these optimized multiplication routines to speed up the NIST post-quantum candidates RLizard, NTRU-HRSS, NTRUEncrypt, Saber, and Kindi. For most of those schemes the only previous implementation that executes on the Cortex-M4 is the reference implementation submitted to NIST; for some of those schemes our optimized software is more than factor of 20 faster. One of the schemes, namely Saber, has been optimized on the Cortex-M4 in a CHES 2018 paper; the multiplication routine for Saber we present here outperforms the multiplication from that paper by 42%, yielding speedups of 22% for key generation, 20% for encapsulation and 22% for decapsulation. Out of the five schemes optimized in this paper, the best performance for encapsulation and decapsulation is achieved by NTRU-HRSS. Specifically, encapsulation takes just over 400 000 cycles, which is more than twice as fast as for any other NIST candidate that has previously been optimized on the ARM Cortex-M4.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. Minor revision. ACNS'19
ARM Cortex-M4KaratsubaToomlattice-based KEMsNTRU
Contact author(s)
joost @ joostrijneveld nl
matthias @ kannwischer eu
peter @ cryptojedi org
2019-04-09: revised
2018-10-24: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Matthias J.  Kannwischer and Joost Rijneveld and Peter Schwabe},
      title = {Faster multiplication in $\mathbb{Z}_{2^m}[x]$ on Cortex-M4 to speed up {NIST} {PQC} candidates},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2018/1018},
      year = {2018},
      url = {}
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