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Paper 2017/398

Post-Quantum Security of Fiat-Shamir

Dominique Unruh


The Fiat-Shamir construction (Crypto 1986) is an efficient transformation in the random oracle model for creating non-interactive proof systems and signatures from sigma-protocols. In classical cryptography, Fiat-Shamir is a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge assuming that the underlying sigma-protocol has the zero-knowledge and special soundness properties. Unfortunately, Ambainis, Rosmanis, and Unruh (FOCS 2014) ruled out non-relativizing proofs under those conditions in the quantum setting. In this paper, we show under which strengthened conditions the Fiat-Shamir proof system is still post-quantum secure. Namely, we show that if we require the sigma-protocol to have computational zero-knowledge and statistical soundness, then Fiat-Shamir is a zero-knowledge simulation-sound proof system (but not a proof of knowledge!). Furthermore, we show that Fiat-Shamir leads to a post-quantum secure unforgeable signature scheme when additionally assuming a "dual-mode hard instance generator" for generating key pairs. Finally, we study the extractability (proof of knowledge) property of Fiat-Shamir. While we have no proof of the extractability itself, we show that if we can prove extractability, then other desired properties such as simulation-sound extractability (i.e., non-malleability), and unforgeable signatures follow.

Note: Most important changes in this revision: * Replaced assumption of "perfect special soundness" by "statistical soundness". * Added treatment of "weak simulation-soundness" and "weak unforgeability" (removes the need for "unique responses").

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
A major revision of an IACR publication in ASIACRYPT 2017
quantum cryptographyzero knowledgedigital signatures
Contact author(s)
unruh @ ut ee
2018-05-16: last of 3 revisions
2017-05-09: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution
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