Paper 2016/532
Cryptanalysis of GOST2
Tomer Ashur, Achiya Bar-On, and Orr Dunkelman
GOST 28147 is a 256-bit key 64-bit block cipher developed by the USSR, later adopted by the Russian government as a national standard. In 2010, GOST was suggested to be included in ISO-18033, but was rejected due to weaknesses found in its key schedule.
In 2015, a new version of GOST was suggested with the purpose of mitigating such attacks. In this paper, we show that similar weaknesses exist in the new version as well. More specifically, we present a fixed-point attack on the full cipher with time complexity of
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Secret-key cryptography
- Publication info
- Published by the IACR in FSE 2017
- Keywords
- Block cipherscryptanalysisGOSTGOST2reflection attackfixed-point attackrelated-key attackimpossible reflection attack
- Contact author(s)
- tashur @ esat kuleuven be
- History
- 2017-02-23: last of 3 revisions
- 2016-05-31: received
- See all versions
- Short URL
- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2016/532, author = {Tomer Ashur and Achiya Bar-On and Orr Dunkelman}, title = {Cryptanalysis of {GOST2}}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2016/532}, year = {2016}, url = {} }