Paper 2016/272
Spooky Encryption and its Applications
Yevgeniy Dodis, Shai Halevi, Ron D. Rothblum, and Daniel Wichs
Consider a setting where inputs are encrypted
under independent public keys. Given the ciphertexts , Alice outputs ciphertexts
that decrypt to
respectively. What relationships between the 's and 's
can Alice induce?
Motivated by applications to delegating computations, Dwork,
Langberg, Naor, Nissim and Reingold (unpublished manuscript,
2004) showed that a semantically secure scheme disallows
signaling in this setting, meaning that cannot depend on
for . On the other hand if the scheme is
homomorphic then any local (component-wise) relationship is
achievable, meaning that each can be an arbitrary function
of . However, there are also relationships which are neither
signaling nor local. Dwork et al. asked if it is possible to have
encryption schemes that support such ``spooky''
relationships. Answering this question is the focus of our work.
Our first result shows that, under the LWE assumption, there
exist encryption schemes supporting a large class of ``spooky''
relationships, which we call additive function sharing (AFS)
spooky. In particular, for any polynomial-time function ,
Alice can ensure that are random subject to
. For this result, the
public keys all depend on common public randomness. Our second
result shows that, assuming sub-exponentially hard
indistinguishability obfuscation
(iO) (and additional more standard assumptions), we can remove
the common randomness and choose the public keys completely
independently. Furthermore, in the case of inputs, we get a
scheme that supports an even larger class of spooky
We discuss several implications of AFS-spooky
encryption. Firstly, it gives a strong counter-example to a
method proposed by Aiello et al. (ICALP, 2000) for building
arguments for NP from homomorphic encryption. Secondly, it gives
a simple 2-round multi-party computation protocol where, at the
end of the first round, the parties can locally compute an
additive secret sharing of the output. Lastly, it immediately
yields a function secret sharing (FSS) scheme for all functions.
We also define a notion of spooky-free encryption, which ensures
that no spooky relationship is achievable. We show that any
non-malleable encryption scheme is spooky-free. Furthermore, we
can construct spooky-free homomorphic encryption schemes from
SNARKs, and it remains an open problem whether it is possible to
do so from falsifiable assumptions.