Paper 2015/744
BitCryptor: Bit-Serialized Compact Crypto Engine on Reconfigurable Hardware
Ege Gulcan, Aydin Aysu, and Patrick Schaumont
There is a significant effort in building lightweight cryptographic operations, yet the proposed solutions are typically single-purpose modules that can implement a single functionality. In contrast, we propose BitCryptor, a multi-purpose, bit-serialized compact processor for cryptographic applications on reconfigurable hardware. The proposed crypto engine can perform pseudo-random number generation, strong collision-resistant hashing and variable-key block cipher encryption. The hardware architecture utilizes SIMON, a recent lightweight block cipher, as its core. The complete engine uses a bit-serial design methodology to minimize the area. Implementation results on the Xilinx Spartan-3 s50 FPGA show that the proposed architecture occupies 95 slices (187 LUTs, 102 registers), which is 10
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Implementation
- Publication info
- Preprint. MINOR revision.
- Keywords
- Lightweight cryptographybit-serializationhardware architecturecrypto engineSIMONFPGA
- Contact author(s)
- aydinay @ vt edu
- History
- 2015-07-24: received
- Short URL
- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2015/744, author = {Ege Gulcan and Aydin Aysu and Patrick Schaumont}, title = {{BitCryptor}: Bit-Serialized Compact Crypto Engine on Reconfigurable Hardware}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2015/744}, year = {2015}, url = {} }