Paper 2015/538

Pairing Based Mutual Healing in Wireless Sensor Networks

Sarita Agrawal, Jay Patel, and Manik Lal Das


In Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs), a group of users communicating on an unreliable wireless channel can use a group secret. For each session, group manager broadcasts a message containing some keying material, from which only the group members authorized in that session can extract the session key. If a member misses a broadcast message for key, it uses self healing to recover missing session key using most recent broadcast message. However, only self healing does not help if node needs to get most recent session key and have missed the corresponding broadcast. Through mutual healing, a node can request recent broadcast information from a neighboring node and then recover the required key using self-healing. In this paper, we propose a bi-linear pairing based self-healing scheme that reduces communication, storage and computation overhead in comparison to existing bi-linear pairing based self-healing schemes. Then, we discuss the mutual healing scheme that provides mutual authentication and key confirmation without disclosing the node locations to the adversary. The analysis with respect to active adversary shows a significant performance improvement for resource constrained sensor nodes along with the security features such as forward and backward secrecy, resilience against node collusion, node revocation and resistance to impersonation.

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Wireless sensor networksMutual healingBi-linear PairingAuthentication
Contact author(s)
sarita_agrawal @ daiict ac in
2015-06-08: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Sarita Agrawal and Jay Patel and Manik Lal Das},
      title = {Pairing Based Mutual Healing in Wireless Sensor Networks},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2015/538},
      year = {2015},
      url = {}
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