Paper 2013/846
A new attack on RSA with a composed decryption exponent
Abderrahmane Nitaj and Mohamed Ould Douh
In this paper, we consider an RSA modulus $N=pq$, where the prime factors $p$, $q$ are of the same size. We present an attack on RSA when the decryption exponent $d$ is in the form $d=Md_1+d_0$ where $M$ is a given positive integer and $d_1$ and $d_0$ are two suitably small unknown integers. In 1999, Boneh and Durfee~\cite{BODU} presented an attack on RSA when $d<N^{0.292}$. When $d=Md_1+d_0$, our attack enables one to overcome Boneh and Durfee's bound and to factor the RSA modulus.
- Available format(s)
- -- withdrawn --
- Category
- Public-key cryptography
- Publication info
- Preprint. MINOR revision.
- Keywords
- RSACryptanalysisFactorizationLLL algorithmCoppersmith's method
- Contact author(s)
- abderrahmane nitaj @ unicaen fr
- History
- 2013-12-30: withdrawn
- 2013-12-17: received
- See all versions
- Short URL
- License