Paper 2013/452

Secure Channel Coding Schemes based on Polar Codes

Behnam Mafakheri, Taraneh Eghlidos, and Hossein Pilaram


In this paper, we propose two new frameworks for joint encryption encoding schemes based on polar codes, namely efficient and secure joint secret/public key encryption channel coding schemes. The issue of using new coding structure, i.e. polar codes in McEliece-like and RN-like schemes is addressed. Cryptanalysis methods show that the proposed schemes have an acceptable level of security with a relatively smaller key size in comparison with the previous works. The results indicate that both schemes provide an efficient error performance and benefit from a higher code rate which can approach the channel capacity for large enough polar codes. The most important property of the proposed schemes is that if we increase the block length of the code, we can have a higher code rate and higher level of security without significant changes in the key size of the scheme. The resulted characteristics of the proposed schemes make them suitable for high-speed communications, such as deep space communication systems.

Note: Note that the first version of this paper was published in ePrint Archive under Report 2013/452. The new version is an update to the previous version with some minor modification in writing style.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Joint encryption encoding schemeMcEliece cryptosystemPolar Code.
Contact author(s)
teghlidos @ sharif edu
2013-09-11: revised
2013-07-22: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Behnam Mafakheri and Taraneh Eghlidos and Hossein Pilaram},
      title = {Secure Channel Coding Schemes based on Polar Codes},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2013/452},
      year = {2013},
      url = {}
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