Paper 2012/660
Design of Secure Image Transmission In MANET using Number Theory Based Image Compression and uasigroup Encryption (NTICQE) Algorithm
Munivel E and Rajeswari Mukesh
Image compression and image encryption are pivotal to proper storage and transmission of images over MANET. Simultaneous image compression and encryption aims at achieving enhanced bandwidth utilization and security at the same time. The Number Theory based Image Compression and Quasigroup Encryption (NTICQE) algorithm employs number theoretic paradigm - Chinese Remainder Theorem and Quasigroup Encryption, to solve congruencies and hence realize the twin ideals of compression and encryption simultaneously. Quasigroup encryptor that has very good data-scrambling properties and, therefore, it has potential uses in symmetric cryptography.
- Available format(s)
- -- withdrawn --
- Publication info
- Preprint. MINOR revision.
- Keywords
- QuasigroupEncryptionDecryptionThresholdChinese Remainder Theorem (CRT).
- Contact author(s)
- munivelme @ gmail com
- History
- 2017-08-18: withdrawn
- 2012-11-26: received
- See all versions
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