Paper 2011/529

Secure and Efficient Proof of Storage with Deduplication

Qingji Zheng and Shouhuai Xu


Both security and efficiency are crucial to the success of cloud storage. So far, security and efficiency of cloud storage have been separately investigated as follows: On one hand, security notions such as Proof of Data Possession (\PDP) and Proof of Retrievability (\POR) have been introduced for detecting the tamperation of data stored in the cloud. One the other hand, the notion of Proof of Ownership (\POW) has also been proposed to alleviate the cloud server from storing multiple copies of the same data, which could substantially reduce the consumption of both network bandwidth and server storage space. These two aspects are seemingly quite to the opposite of each other. In this paper, we show, somewhat surprisingly, that the two aspects can actually co-exist within the same framework. This is possible fundamentally because of the following insight: {\em The public verifiability offered by \PDP/\POR\ schemes can be naturally exploited to achieve \POW}. This ``one stone, two birds" phenomenon not only inspired us to propose the novel notion of Proof of Storage with Deduplication (\POSD),but also guided us to design a concrete scheme that is provably secure in the Random Oracle model based on the Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Published elsewhere. in submission
cloud storageoutsourced storageproof of storagededuplicationintegrity checkingproof of ownershipproof of data possessionproof of retrievability
Contact author(s)
qzheng @ cs utsa edu
2011-10-01: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Qingji Zheng and Shouhuai Xu},
      title = {Secure and Efficient Proof of Storage with Deduplication},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2011/529},
      year = {2011},
      url = {}
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