Paper 2009/479

Preimage Attacks on 41-Step SHA-256 and 46-Step SHA-512

Yu Sasaki, Lei Wang, and Kazumaro Aoki


In this paper, we propose preimage attacks on 41-step SHA-256 and 46-step SHA-512, which drastically increase the number of attacked steps compared to the best previous preimage attack working for only 24 steps. The time complexity for 41-step SHA-256 is 2253.5 compression function operations and the memory requirement is 216×10 words. The time complexity for 46-step SHA-512 is 2511.5 compression function operations and the memory requirement is words. Our attack is a meet-in-the-middle attack. We first consider the application of previous meet-in-the-middle attack techniques to SHA-2. We then analyze the message expansion of SHA-2 by considering all previous techniques to find a new independent message-word partition. We first explain the attack on 40-step SHA-256 whose complexity is to describe the ideas. We then explain how to extend the attack.

Note: This paper was originally submitted to Asiacrypt2009. The authors were told to merged the paper with another one. The merged version will appear in the ASIACRYPT2009. This version is exactly the same as the original submittion except for added author's names and affiliations. Reviewer's comments are reflected in the merged version.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Published elsewhere. A merged version will appear in the ASIACRYPT2009.
SHA-256SHA-512hashpreimage attackmeet-in-the-middle
Contact author(s)
sasaki yu @ lab ntt co jp
2009-09-29: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Yu Sasaki and Lei Wang and Kazumaro Aoki},
      title = {Preimage Attacks on 41-Step {SHA}-256 and 46-Step {SHA}-512},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2009/479},
      year = {2009},
      url = {}
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