Paper 2008/506

Unconditionally Secure Message Transmission in Arbitrary Directed Synchronous Networks Tolerating Generalized Mixed Adversary

Kannan Srinathan, Arpita Patra, Ashish Choudhary, and C. Pandu Rangan


In this paper, we re-visit the problem of {\it unconditionally secure message transmission} (USMT) from a sender {\bf S} to a receiver {\bf R}, who are part of a distributed synchronous network, modeled as an {\it arbitrary} directed graph. Some of the intermediate nodes between {\bf S} and {\bf R} can be under the control of the adversary having {\it unbounded} computing power. Desmedt and Wang \cite{Desmedt} have given the characterization of USMT in directed networks. However, in their model, the underlying network is abstracted as directed node disjoint paths (also called as wires/channels) between {\bf S} and {\bf R}, where the intermediate nodes are oblivious, message passing nodes and perform no other computation. In this work, we first show that the characterization of USMT given by Desmedt \cite{Desmedt} does not hold good for {\it arbitrary} directed networks, where the intermediate nodes perform some computation, beside acting as message forwarding nodes. We then give the {\it true} characterization of USMT in arbitrary directed networks. As far our knowledge is concerned, this is the first ever {\it true} characterization of USMT in arbitrary directed networks.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. This is a full version of the paper which got accepted in ASIACCS 2009
Contact author(s)
arpitapatra_10 @ yahoo co in
2008-12-03: revised
2008-12-02: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Kannan Srinathan and Arpita Patra and Ashish Choudhary and C.  Pandu Rangan},
      title = {Unconditionally Secure Message Transmission in Arbitrary Directed Synchronous Networks Tolerating Generalized Mixed Adversary},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2008/506},
      year = {2008},
      url = {}
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