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Paper 2004/293

Provably Secure Authentication of Digital Media Through Invertible Watermarks

Jana Dittmann and Stefan Katzenbeisser and Christian Schallhart and Helmut Veith


The recent advances in multimedia technology have made the manipulation of digital images, videos or audio files easy. On the one hand the broad availability of these new capabilities enabled numerous new applications. On the other hand, for the same reasons, digital media can easily be forged by almost anyone. To counteract this risk, fragile watermarks were proposed to protect the integrity and authenticity of digital multimedia objects. Traditional watermarking schemes employ non-cryptographic and signal processing oriented techniques, which fail to provide any provable security guarantee against malicious modification attempts. In this paper, we give for the first time a provably secure authentication mechanism for digital multimedia files that is based on both cryptographic signatures and invertible watermarks. While traditional watermarking schemes introduce some small irreversible distortion in the digital content, invertible watermarks can be completely removed from a watermarked work.

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Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
digital signatureswatermarking
Contact author(s)
katzenbe @ in tum de
2004-11-12: received
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Creative Commons Attribution
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