All papers in 2018 (Page 12 of 1249 results)

Last updated:  2021-03-16
Another Step Towards Realizing Random Oracles: Non-Malleable Point Obfuscation
Ilan Komargodski, Eylon Yogev
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The random oracle paradigm allows us to analyze the security of protocols and constructions in an idealized model, where all parties have access to a truly random function. This is one of the most popular and well-studied models in cryptography. However, being such a strong idealized model, it is known to be susceptible to various weaknesses when implemented naively in ``real-life'', as shown by Canetti, Goldreich and Halevi (J. ACM 2004). As a counter-measure, one could try to identify and implement only one or few of the properties a random oracle possesses that are needed for a specific setting. Such a systematic study was initiated by Canetti (CRYPTO 1997), who showed how to implement the property that the output of the function does not reveal anything regarding the input by constructing a point function obfucator. This property turned out to suffice in many follow-up works and applications. In this work, we tackle another natural property of random oracles and implement it in the standard model. The property we focus on is non-malleability, where it is required that the output on an input cannot be used to generate an output on any related point. We construct a point obfuscator that is both hiding (a la Canetti) and is non-malleable for a non-trivial class of mauling functions. Our construction does not use heavy cryptographic machinery (such as zero-knowledge proofs) and is comparable to that of Canetti in terms of time complexity and obfuscation size. The security of our construction relies on variants of the DDH and power-DDH assumptions. On the technical side, we introduce a new technique for proving security of a construction based on a DDH-like assumption. We call this technique ``double-exponentiation'' and believe it will be useful in the future.
Last updated:  2018-02-08
The Complexity of Multiparty PSM Protocols and Related Models
Amos Beimel, Eyal Kushilevitz, Pnina Nissim
We study the efficiency of computing arbitrary k-argument functions in the Private Simultaneous Messages (PSM) model of (Feige et al. STOC'94, Ishai and Kushilevitz ISTCS'97). This question was recently studied by (Beimel et al. TCC'14), in the two-party case (k = 2). We tackle this question in the general case of PSM protocols for k > 2 parties. Our motivation is two-fold: On one hand, there are various applications (old and new) of PSM protocols for constructing other cryptographic primitives, where obtaining more efficient PSM protocols imply more efficient primitives. On the other hand, improved PSM protocols are an interesting goal on its own. In particular, we pay a careful attention to the case of small number of parties (e.g., k = 3,4, 5), which may be especially interesting in practice, and optimize our protocols for those cases. Our new upper bounds include a k-party PSM protocol, for any k > 2 and any function f : [N]^k --> {0; 1}, of complexity O(poly(k) N^{k/2}) (compared to the previous upper bound of O(poly(k) N^{k-1})), and even better bounds for small values of k; e.g., an O(N) PSM protocol for the case k = 3. We also handle the more involved case where different parties have inputs of different sizes, which is useful both in practice and for applications. As applications, we obtain more efficient Non-Interactive secure Multi-Party (NIMPC) protocols (a variant of PSM, where some of the parties may collude with the referee (Beimel et al. CRYPTO'14)), improved ad-hoc PSM protocols (another variant of PSM, where the subset of participating parties is not known in advance (Beimel et al. ITCS'16, Beimel et al. EUROCRYPT'17)), secret-sharing schemes for strongly-homogeneous access structures with smaller share size than previously known, and better homogeneous distribution designs (Beimel et al. ITCS'16), a primitive with many cryptographic applications on its own.
Last updated:  2018-02-09
Sustained Space Complexity
Joel Alwen, Jeremiah Blocki, Krzysztof Pietrzak
Memory-hard functions (MHF) are functions whose evaluation cost is dominated by memory cost. MHFs are egalitarian, in the sense that evaluating them on dedicated hardware (like FPGAs or ASICs) is not much cheaper than on off-the-shelf hardware (like x86 CPUs). MHFs have interesting cryptographic applications, most notably to password hashing and securing blockchains. Alwen and Serbinenko [STOC'15] define the cumulative memory complexity (cmc) of a function as the sum (over all time-steps) of the amount of memory required to compute the function. They advocate that a good MHF must have high cmc. Unlike previous notions, cmc takes into account that dedicated hardware might exploit amortization and parallelism. Still, cmc has been critizised as insufficient, as it fails to capture possible time-memory trade-offs; as memory cost doesn't scale linearly, functions with the same cmc could still have very different actual hardware cost. In this work we address this problem, and introduce the notion of sustained-memory complexity, which requires that any algorithm evaluating the function must use a large amount of memory for many steps. We construct functions (in the parallel random oracle model) whose sustained-memory complexity is almost optimal: our function can be evaluated using $n$ steps and $O(n/\log(n))$ memory, in each step making one query to the (fixed-input length) random oracle, while any algorithm that can make arbitrary many parallel queries to the random oracle, still needs $\Omega(n/\log(n))$ memory for $\Omega(n)$ steps. As has been done for various notions (including cmc) before, we reduce the task of constructing an MHFs with high sustained-memory complexity to proving pebbling lower bounds on DAGs. Our main technical contribution is the construction is a family of DAGs on $n$ nodes with constant indegree with high ``sustained-space complexity", meaning that any parallel black-pebbling strategy requires $\Omega(n/\log(n))$ pebbles for at least $\Omega(n)$ steps. Along the way we construct a family of maximally ``depth-robust" DAGs with maximum indegree $O(\log n)$, improving upon the construction of Mahmoody et al. [ITCS'13] which had maximum indegree $O\left(\log^2 n \cdot \mathsf{polylog}(\log n)\right)$.
Last updated:  2018-02-08
Polynomial Time Bounded Distance Decoding near Minkowski’s Bound in Discrete Logarithm Lattices
Léo Ducas, Cécile Pierrot
We propose a concrete family of dense lattices of arbitrary dimension n in which the lattice Bounded Distance Decoding (BDD) problem can be solved in deterministic polynomial time. This construction is directly adapted from the Chor-Rivest cryptosystem (1988). The lattice construction needs discrete logarithm computations that can be made in deterministic polynomial time for well-chosen parameters. Each lattice comes with a deterministic polynomial time decoding algorithm able to decode up to large radius. Namely, we reach decoding radius within O(log n) Minkowski’s bound, for both l1 and l2 norms.
Last updated:  2018-02-08
Fast Near Collision Attack on the Grain v1 Stream Cipher
Bin Zhang, Chao Xu, Willi Meier
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Modern stream ciphers often adopt a large internal state to resist various attacks, where the cryptanalysts have to deal with a large number of variables when mounting state recovery attacks. In this paper, we propose a general new cryptanalytic method on stream ciphers, called fast near collision attack, to address this situation. It combines a near collision property with the divide-and-conquer strategy so that only subsets of the internal state, associated with different keystream vectors, are recovered first and merged carefully later to retrieve the full large internal state. A self-contained method is introduced and improved to derive the target subset of the internal state from the partial state difference efficiently. As an application, we propose a new key recovery attack on Grain v1, one of the $7$ finalists selected by the eSTREAM project, in the single-key setting. Both the pre-computation and the online phases are tailored according to its internal structure, to provide an attack for any fixed IV in $2^{75.7}$ cipher ticks after the pre-computation of $2^{8.1}$ cipher ticks, given $2^{28}$-bit memory and about $2^{19}$ keystream bits. Practical experiments on Grain v1 itself whenever possible and on a 80-bit reduced version confirmed our results.
Last updated:  2019-11-18
The Communication Complexity of Private Simultaneous Messages, Revisited
Benny Applebaum, Thomas Holenstein, Manoj Mishra, Ofer Shayevitz
Private Simultaneous Message (PSM) protocols were introduced by Feige, Kilian and Naor (STOC '94) as a minimal non-interactive model for information-theoretic three-party secure computation. While it is known that every function $f:\{0,1\}^k\times \{0,1\}^k \rightarrow \{0,1\}$ admits a PSM protocol with exponential communication of $2^{k/2}$ (Beimel et al., TCC '14), the best known (non-explicit) lower-bound is $3k-O(1)$ bits. To prove this lower-bound, FKN identified a set of simple requirements, showed that any function that satisfies these requirements is subject to the $3k-O(1)$ lower-bound, and proved that a random function is likely to satisfy the requirements. We revisit the FKN lower-bound and prove the following results: (Counterexample) We construct a function that satisfies the FKN requirements but has a PSM protocol with communication of $2k+O(1)$ bits, revealing a gap in the FKN proof. (PSM lower-bounds) We show that, by imposing additional requirements, the FKN argument can be fixed leading to a $3k-O(\log k)$ lower-bound for a random function. We also get a similar lower-bound for a function that can be computed by a polynomial-size circuit (or even polynomial-time Turing machine under standard complexity-theoretic assumptions). This yields the first non-trivial lower-bound for an explicit Boolean function partially resolving an open problem of Data, Prabhakaran and Prabhakaran (Crypto '14, IEEE Information Theory '16). We further extend these results to the setting of imperfect PSM protocols which may have small correctness or privacy error. (CDS lower-bounds) We show that the original FKN argument applies (as is) to some weak form of PSM protocols which are strongly related to the setting of Conditional Disclosure of Secrets (CDS). This connection yields a simple combinatorial criterion for establishing linear $\Omega(k)$-bit CDS lower-bounds. As a corollary, we settle the complexity of the Inner Product predicate resolving an open problem of Gay, Kerenidis, and Wee (Crypto '15).
Last updated:  2018-02-14
Conjecturally Superpolynomial Lower Bound for Share Size
Shahram Khazaei
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Information ratio, which measures the maximum/average share size per shared bit, is a criterion of efficiency of a secret sharing scheme. It is generally believed that there exists a family of access structures such that the information ratio of any secret sharing scheme realizing it is $2^{\Omega(n)}$, where the parameter $n$ stands for the number of participants. The best known lower bound, due to Csirmaz (1994), is $\Omega(n/\log n)$. Closing this gap is a long-standing open problem in cryptology. In this paper, using a technique called \emph{substitution}, we recursively construct a family of access structures having information ratio $n^{\frac{\log n}{\log \log n}}$, assuming a well-stated information-theoretic conjecture is true. Our conjecture emerges after introducing the notion of \emph{convec set} for an access structure, a subset of $n$-dimensional real space. We prove some topological properties about convec sets and raise several open problems.
Last updated:  2019-09-24
MILP-Aided Related-Tweak/Key Impossible Differential Attack and Its applications to QARMA, Joltik-BC
Rui Zong, Xiaoyang Dong
In this paper, we study the relation of single-key impossible differentials with the related-tweakey/key ones and propose an interesting algorithm that can efficiently derive longer related-tweakey/key impossible differentials from single-key ones. With application of the MILP technique, the algorithm can be converted an automatic tool for searching related-tweakey/key impossible differentials. We use this automatic tool to analyze QARMA-64 and give a 11-round key recovery attack, which attacks one more round than the best previous result. Moreover, we also analyze Joltik-BC-128, a internal tweakable block cipher of an authenticated encryption candidate of the CAESAR competition Joltik and our result can attack two more rounds than the result given by the cipher designers.
Last updated:  2019-10-04
Symbolic security of garbled circuits
Baiyu Li, Daniele Micciancio
We present the first computationally sound symbolic analysis of Yao's garbled circuit construction for secure two party computation. Our results include an extension of the symbolic language for cryptographic expressions from previous work on computationally sound symbolic analysis, and a soundness theorem for this extended language. We then demonstrate how the extended language can be used to formally specify not only the garbled circuit construction, but also the formal (symbolic) simulator required by the definition of security. The correctness of the simulation is proved in a purely syntactical way, within the symbolic model of cryptography, and then translated into a concrete computational indistinguishability statement via our general computational soundness theorem. We also implement our symbolic security framework and the garbling scheme in Haskell, and our experiment shows that the symbolic analysis performs well and can be done within several seconds even for large circuits that are useful for real world applications.
Last updated:  2018-02-07
A Reaction Attack on LEDApkc
Tomas Fabsic, Viliam Hromada, Pavol Zajac
We propose a new reaction attack on the public-key cryptosystem LEDApkc. The adversary uses the decoding failure rate (DFR) analysis to learn information about the secret masking matrix $Q$. Provided the adversary learns information about $Q$ within $10^4\times \text{DFR}^{-1}$ decryptions (as prescribed by LEDApkc design to thwart previously known attacks), the adversary builds a small set of candidates for $Q$. Using these candidates, the adversary obtains candidates for a generator matrix of the secret LDPC code. Afterwards, the adversary applies Stern's algorithm to recover the secret matrix $H$, thus recovering the full private key. Provided the adversary can learn information about the matrix $Q$, the complexity of the attack is below $2^{99}$ for a parameter set for 128-bit security. In order to study whether the adversary can learn information about $Q$ from $10^4\times \text{DFR}^{-1}$ decryptions, we conducted experiments with a modified parameter set. The parameter set was modified only in order to increase the DFR, and thus make experiments less computationally expensive. We show that with the modified parameter set it is indeed possible to learn the required information about the matrix $Q$.
Last updated:  2018-05-15
Faster Multiplication Triplet Generation from Homomorphic Encryption for Practical Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning under a Narrow Bandwidth
Wen-jie Lu, Jun Sakuma
Machine learning algorithms are used by more and more online applications to improve the services. Machine learning-based online services are usually accessed by thousands of clients concurrently through a relatively narrow bandwidth, such as a WiFi network or a cell phone network. When applying secure computations to such online services, however, current methods for generating multiplication triplets might take a long time, especially when only a narrow bandwidth is available or large-scale matrices are involved in the computation. In this paper, we present a more practical method for generating multiplication triplets that are specified for additively shared matrices from homomorphic encryption. With our algorithmic and implement optimizations, our protocol is faster than and consumes less communication traffic than the existing methods. Experimental results show that, under a 100~Mbps network, our protocol took about $18.0$ seconds to generate triplets for matrices with more than $2.6\times 10^5$ entries. It was about $20 - 108$ times faster than existing methods. As the concrete example, we applied our protocol to two existing secure computation frameworks of machine learning, i.e., SecureML (S\&P'17) and MiniONN (CCS'17). Experimental results show that our method reduced about $74\% - 97\%$ of the triplet generation time of these frameworks when a narrow bandwidth was used.
Last updated:  2019-02-16
But Why does it Work? A Rational Protocol Design Treatment of Bitcoin
Christian Badertscher, Juan Garay, Ueli Maurer, Daniel Tschudi, Vassilis Zikas
An exciting recent line of work has focused on formally investigating the core cryptographic assumptions underlying the security of Bitcoin. In a nutshell, these works conclude that Bitcoin is secure if and only if the majority of the mining power is honest. Despite their great impact, however, these works do not address an incisive question asked by positivists and Bitcoin critics, which is fuelled by the fact that Bitcoin indeed works in reality: Why should the real-world system adhere to these assumptions? In this work we employ the machinery from the Rational Protocol Design (RPD) framework by Garay et al. [FOCS'13] to analyze Bitcoin and address questions such as the above. We show assuming a natural class of incentives for the miners' behavior i.e., rewarding them for adding blocks to the blockchain but having them pay for mining here one can reserve the honest majority assumption as a fallback, or even, depending on the application, completely replace it by the assumption that the miners aim to maximize their revenue. Our results underscore the appropriateness of RPD as a ``rational cryptography'' framework for analyzing Bitcoin. Along the way, we devise significant extensions to the original RPD machinery that broaden its applicability to cryptocurrencies, which may be of independent interest.
Last updated:  2018-02-07
Naor-Reingold Goes Public: The Complexity of Known-key Security
Pratik Soni, Stefano Tessaro
We study the complexity of building secure block ciphers in the setting where the key is known to the attacker. In particular, we consider two security notions with useful implications, namely public-seed pseudorandom permutations (or psPRPs, for short) (Soni and Tessaro, EUROCRYPT '17) and correlation-intractable ciphers (Knudsen and Rijmen, ASIACRYPT '07; Mandal, Seurin, and Patarin, TCC '12). For both these notions, we exhibit constructions which make only two calls to an underlying non-invertible primitive, matching the complexity of building a pseudorandom permutation in the secret-key setting. Our psPRP result instantiates the round functions in the Naor-Reingold (NR) construction with a secure UCE hash function. For correlation intractability, we instead instantiate them from a (public) random function, and replace the pairwise-independent permutations in the NR construction with (almost) $O(k^2)$-wise independent permutations, where $k$ is the arity of the relations for which we want correlation intractability. Our constructions improve upon the current state of the art, requiring five- and six-round Feistel networks, respectively, to achieve psPRP security and correlation intractability. To do so, we rely on techniques borrowed from Impagliazzo-Rudich-style black-box impossibility proofs for our psPRP result, for which we give what we believe to be the first constructive application, and on techniques for studying randomness with limited independence for correlation intractability.
Last updated:  2022-01-19
Revisiting AES-GCM-SIV: Multi-user Security, Faster Key Derivation, and Better Bounds
Priyanka Bose, Viet Tung Hoang, Stefano Tessaro
This paper revisits the multi-user (mu) security of symmetric encryption, from the perspective of delivering an analysis of the AES-GCM-SIV AEAD scheme. Our end result shows that its mu security is comparable to that achieved in the single-user setting. In particular, even when instantiated with short keys (e.g., 128 bits), the security of AES-GCM-SIV is not impacted by the collisions of two user keys, as long as each individual nonce is not re-used by too many users. Our bounds also improve existing analyses in the single-user setting, in particular when messages of variable lengths are encrypted. We also validate security against a general class of key-derivation methods, including one that halves the complexity of the final proposal. As an intermediate step, we consider mu security in a setting where the data processed by every user is bounded, and where user keys are generated according to arbitrary, possibly correlated distributions. This viewpoint generalizes the currently adopted one in mu security, and can be used to analyze re-keying practices.
Last updated:  2018-02-07
A note on the equivalence of IND-CCA & INT-PTXT and IND-CCA & INT-CTXT
Daniel Jost, Christian Badertscher, Fabio Banfi
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The security for authenticated encryption schemes is often captured by demanding CCA security (IND-CCA) and integrity of plaintexts (INT-PTXT). In this short note, we prove that this implies in particular integrity of ciphertexts, i.e., INT-CTXT. Hence, the two sets of requirements mentioned in the title are equivalent.
Last updated:  2018-02-07
A Las Vegas algorithm to solve the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem
Ayan Mahalanobis, Vivek Mallick
In this paper, we describe a new Las Vegas algorithm to solve the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. The algorithm depends on a property of the group of rational points of an elliptic curve and is thus not a generic algorithm. The algorithm that we describe has some similarities with the most powerful index-calculus algorithm for the discrete logarithm problem over a finite field.
Last updated:  2018-02-07
Quasi-Optimal SNARGs via Linear Multi-Prover Interactive Proofs
Dan Boneh, Yuval Ishai, Amit Sahai, David J. Wu
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Succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) enable verifying NP computations with significantly less complexity than that required for classical NP verification. In this work, we focus on simultaneously minimizing the proof size and the prover complexity of SNARGs. Concretely, for a security parameter $\lambda$, we measure the asymptotic cost of achieving soundness error $2^{-\lambda}$ against provers of size $2^\lambda$. We say a SNARG is quasi-optimally succinct if its proof length is $\tilde{O}(\lambda)$, and that it is quasi-optimal, if moreover, its prover complexity is only polylogarithmically greater than the running time of the classical NP prover. We show that this definition is the best we could hope for assuming that NP does not have succinct proofs. Our definition strictly strengthens the previous notion of quasi-optimality introduced in the work of Boneh et al. (Eurocrypt 2017). This work gives the first quasi-optimal SNARG for Boolean circuit satisfiability from a concrete cryptographic assumption. Our construction takes a two-step approach. The first is an information-theoretic construction of a quasi-optimal linear multi-prover interactive proof (linear MIP) for circuit satisfiability. Then, we describe a generic cryptographic compiler that transforms our quasi-optimal linear MIP into a quasi-optimal SNARG by relying on the notion of linear-only vector encryption over rings introduced by Boneh et al. Combining these two primitives yields the first quasi-optimal SNARG based on linear-only vector encryption. Moreover, our linear MIP construction leverages a new robust circuit decomposition primitive that allows us to decompose a circuit satisfiability instance into several smaller circuit satisfiability instances. This primitive may be of independent interest. Finally, we consider (designated-verifier) SNARGs that provide optimal succinctness for a non-negligible soundness error. Concretely, we put forward the notion of "1-bit SNARGs" that achieve soundness error 1/2 with only one bit of proof. We first show how to build 1-bit SNARGs from indistinguishability obfuscation, and then show that 1-bit SNARGs also suffice for realizing a form of witness encryption. The latter result highlights a two-way connection between the soundness of very succinct argument systems and powerful forms of encryption.
Last updated:  2019-02-19
On Isogeny Graphs of Supersingular Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields
Gora Adj, Omran Ahmadi, Alfred Menezes
We study the isogeny graphs of supersingular elliptic curves over finite fields, with an emphasis on the vertices corresponding to elliptic curves of $j$-invariant 0 and 1728.
Last updated:  2018-02-05
Fiat-Shamir and Correlation Intractability from Strong KDM-Secure Encryption
Ran Canetti, Yilei Chen, Leonid Reyzin, Ron D. Rothblum
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A hash function family is called correlation intractable if for all sparse relations, it is hard to find, given a random function from the family, an input-output pair that satisfies the relation (Canetti et al., STOC 98). Correlation intractability (CI) captures a strong Random-Oracle-like property of hash functions. In particular, when security holds for all sparse relations, CI suffices for guaranteeing the soundness of the Fiat-Shamir transformation from any constant round, statistically sound interactive proof to a non-interactive argument. However, to date, the only CI hash function for all sparse relations (Kalai et al., Crypto 17) is based on general program obfuscation with exponential hardness properties. We construct a simple CI hash function for arbitrary sparse relations, from any symmetric encryption scheme that satisfies some natural structural properties, and in addition guarantees that key recovery attacks mounted by polynomial-time adversaries have only exponentially small success probability - even in the context of key-dependent messages (KDM). We then provide parameter settings where ElGamal encryption and Regev encryption plausibly satisfy the needed properties. Our techniques are based on those of Kalai et al., with the main contribution being substituting a statistical argument for the use of obfuscation, therefore greatly simplifying the construction and basing security on better-understood intractability assumptions. In addition, we extend the definition of correlation intractability to handle moderately sparse relations so as to capture the properties required in proof-of-work applications (e.g. Bitcoin). We also discuss the applicability of our constructions and analyses in that regime.
Last updated:  2018-02-05
SMT-based Cube Attack on Simeck32/64
Mojtaba Zaheri, Babak Sadeghiyan
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Satisfiability modulo theories or SMT can be stated as a generalization of Boolean satisfiability problem or SAT. The core idea behind the introduction of SMT solvers is to reduce the complexity through providing more information about the problem environment. In this paper, we take advantage of a similar idea and feed the SMT solver itself, by extra information provided through middle state Cube characteristics, to introduce a new method which we call SMT-based Cube Attack, and apply it to improve the success of the solver in attacking reduced-round versions of the Simeck32/64 lightweight block cipher. We first propose a new algorithm to find cubes with most number of middle state characteristics. Then, we apply these obtained cubes and their characteristics as extra information in the SMT definition of the cryptanalysis problem, to evaluate its effectiveness. Our cryptanalysis results in a full key recovery attack by 64 plaintext/ciphertext pairs on 12 rounds of the cipher in just 122.17 seconds. This is the first practical attack so far presented against the reduced-round versions of Simeck32/64. We also conduct the cube attack on the Simeck32/64 to compare with the SMT-based cube attack. The results indicate that the proposed attack is more powerful than the cube attack.
Last updated:  2018-02-05
Multi-mode Cryptocurrency Systems
Tuyet Duong, Alexander Chepurnoy, Hong-Sheng Zhou
In the past years, the security of Bitcoin-like protocols has been intensively studied. However, previous investigations are mainly focused on the single-mode version of Bitcoin protocol, where the protocol is running among full nodes (miners). In this paper, we initiate the study of multi-mode cryptocurrency protocols. We generalize the recent framework by Garay et al. (Eurocrypt 2015) with new security definitions that capture the security of realistic cryptocurrency systems (e.g. Bitcoin with full and lightweight nodes). We provide the first rigorous security model for addressing the "blockchain bloat" issue. As an immediate application of our new framework, we analyze the security of existing blockchain pruning proposals for Bitcoin aiming to improve the storage efficiency of network nodes by pruning unnecessary information from the ledger.
Last updated:  2018-02-05
Authenticated Encryption Mode IAPM using SHA-3's Public Random Permutation
Charanjit S. Jutla
We study instantiating the random permutation of the block-cipher mode of operation IAPM (Integrity-Aware Parallelizable Mode) with the public random permutation of Keccak, on which the draft standard SHA-3 is built. IAPM and the related mode OCB are single-pass highly parallelizable authenticated-encryption modes, and while they were originally proven secure in the private random permutation model, Kurosawa has shown that they are also secure in the public random permutation model assuming the whitening keys are uniformly chosen with double the usual entropy. In this paper, we show a general composability result that shows that the whitening key can be obtained from the usual entropy source by a key-derivation function which is itself built on Keccak. We stress that this does not follow directly from the usual indifferentiability of key-derivation function constructions from Random Oracles. We also show that a simple and general construction, again employing Keccak, can also be used to make the IAPM scheme key-dependent-message secure. Finally, implementations on modern AMD-64 architecture supporting 128-bit SIMD instructions, and not supporting the native AES instructions, show that IAPM with Keccak runs three times faster than IAPM with AES.
Last updated:  2020-09-11
Accountability in Security Protocols
Robert Künnemann, Deepak Garg, Michael Backes
A promising paradigm in protocol design is to hold parties accountable for misbehavior, instead of postulating that they are trustworthy. Recent approaches in defining this property, called accountability, characterized malicious behavior as a deviation from the protocol that causes a violation of the desired security property, but did so under the assumption that all deviating parties are controlled by a single, centralized adversary. In this work, we investigate the setting where multiple parties can deviate with or without coordination in a variant of the applied-pi calculus. We first demonstrate that, under realistic assumptions, it is impossible to determine all misbehaving parties; however, we show that accountability can be relaxed to exclude causal dependencies that arise from the behavior of deviating parties, and not from the protocol as specified. We map out the design space for the relaxation, point out protocol classes separating these notions and define conditions under which we can guarantee fairness and completeness. Most importantly, we discover under which circumstances it is correct to consider accountability in the single-adversary setting, where this property can be verified with off-the-shelf protocol verification tools.
Last updated:  2018-02-05
Onion-AE: Foundations of Nested Encryption
Phillip Rogaway, Yusi Zhang
Nested symmetric encryption is a well-known technique for low-latency communication privacy. But just what problem does this technique aim to solve? In answer, we provide a provable-security treatment for onion authenticated-encryption (onion-AE). Extending the conventional notion for authenticated-encryption, we demand indistinguishability from random bits and time-of-exit authenticity verification. We show that the encryption technique presently used in Tor does not satisfy our definition of onion-AE security, but that a construction by Mathewson (2012), based on a strong, tweakable, wideblock PRP, does do the job. We go on to discuss three extensions of onion-AE, giving defini- tions to handle inbound flows, immediate detection of authenticity errors, and corrupt ORs.
Last updated:  2018-02-05
Challenges in cyber security - Ransomware Phenomenon
Pasca Vlad-Raul, Simion Emil
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Ransomware has become one of the major threats nowadays due to its huge impact and increased rate of infections around the world. CryptoWall 3, was responsible for damages of over 325 millions of dollars, since its discovery in 2015. Recently, another family of ransomware appeared in the cyber space which is called WannaCry over 230.000 computers around the world, in over 150 countries were infected. Ransomware usually uses the RSA algorithm to protect the encryption key and AES for encrypting the files. If these algorithms are correctly implemented then it is impossible to recover the encrypted information. Some attacks, nonetheless, work against the implementation of RSA. These attacks are not against the basic algorithm, but against the protocol. In the following sections we present the fully analysis on three representative ransomware: Spora, DMA Locker and WannaCry.
Last updated:  2018-02-02
Evaluating the indistinguishability of the XTS mode in the proposed security model
Nguyen Tuan Anh, Nguyen Bui Cuong
In this paper, we consider the indistinguishability of XTS in some security models for both full final block and partial final block cases. Firstly, some evaluations of the indistinguishability up-to-block are presented. Then, we present a new security model in which the adversary can not control sector number, based on an $\epsilon$-collision resistant function. In this model, we give a bound of the distinguishing advantage that the adversary can get when attacks on XTS. The received results is an extension of \cite{6}.
Last updated:  2018-02-02
Distributed Time-Memory Tradeoff Attacks on Ciphers (with Application to Stream Ciphers and Counter Mode)
Howard M. Heys
In this paper, we consider the implications of parallelizing time-memory tradeoff attacks using a large number of distributed processors. It is shown that Hellman’s original tradeoff method and the Biryukov-Shamir attack on stream ciphers, which incorporates data into the tradeoff, can be effectively distributed to reduce both time and memory, while other approaches are less advantaged in a distributed approach. Distributed tradeoff attacks are specifically discussed as applied to stream ciphers and the counter mode operation of block ciphers, where their feasibility is considered in relation to distributed exhaustive key search. In particular, for counter mode with an unpredictable initial count, we show that distributed tradeoff attacks are applicable, but can be made infeasible if the entropy of the initial count is at least as large as the key. In general, the analyses of this paper illustrate the effectiveness of a distributed tradeoff approach and show that, when enough processors are involved in the attack, it is possible some systems, such as lightweight cipher implementations, may be practically susceptible to attack.
Last updated:  2018-10-03
BitML: A Calculus for Bitcoin Smart Contracts
Massimo Bartoletti, Roberto Zunino
We introduce BitML, a domain-specific language for specifying contracts that regulate transfers of bitcoins among participants, without relying on trusted intermediaries. We define a symbolic and a computational model for reasoning about BitML security. In the symbolic model, participants act according to the semantics of BitML, while in the computational model they exchange bitstrings, and read/append transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain. A compiler is provided to translate contracts into standard Bitcoin transactions. Participants can execute a contract by appending these transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain, according to their strategies. We prove the correctness of our compiler, showing that computational attacks on compiled contracts are also observable in the symbolic model.
Last updated:  2018-02-01
ECC mod 8^91+5
Daniel R. L. Brown
The field size $8^{91}+5$ for elliptic curve cryptography offers simplicity, security, and efficiency.
Last updated:  2019-01-24
Efficient Circuit-based PSI via Cuckoo Hashing
Benny Pinkas, Thomas Schneider, Christian Weinert, Udi Wieder
While there has been a lot of progress in designing efficient custom protocols for computing Private Set Intersection (PSI), there has been less research on using generic Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocols for this task. However, there are many variants of the set intersection functionality that are not addressed by the existing custom PSI solutions and are easy to compute with generic MPC protocols (e.g., comparing the cardinality of the intersection with a threshold or measuring ad conversion rates). Generic PSI protocols work over circuits that compute the intersection. For sets of size $n$, the best known circuit constructions conduct $O(n \log n)$ or $O(n \log n / \log\log n)$ comparisons (Huang et al., NDSS'12 and Pinkas et al., USENIX Security'15). In this work, we propose new circuit-based protocols for computing variants of the intersection with an almost linear number of comparisons. Our constructions are based on new variants of Cuckoo hashing in two dimensions. We present an asymptotically efficient protocol as well as a protocol with better concrete efficiency. For the latter protocol, we determine the required sizes of tables and circuits experimentally, and show that the run-time is concretely better than that of existing constructions. The protocol can be extended to a larger number of parties. The proof technique for analyzing Cuckoo hashing in two dimensions is new and can be generalized to analyzing standard Cuckoo hashing as well as other new variants of it.
Last updated:  2018-01-31
Drive-by Key-Extraction Cache Attacks from Portable Code
Daniel Genkin, Lev Pachmanov, Eran Tromer, Yuval Yarom
We show how malicious web content can extract cryptographic secret keys from the user's computer. The attack uses portable scripting languages supported by modern browsers to induce contention for CPU cache resources, and thereby gleans information about the memory accesses of other programs running on the user's computer. We show how this side-channel attack can be realized in both WebAssembly and PNaCl; how to attain very fine-grained measurements; and how to use these to extract ElGamal, ECDH and RSA decryption keys from various cryptographic libraries. The attack does not rely on bugs in the browser's nominal sandboxing mechanisms, or on fooling users. It applies even to locked-down platforms with strong confinement mechanisms and browser-only functionality, such as Chromebook devices. Moreover, on browser-based platforms the attacked software too may be written in portable JavaScript; and we show that in this case even implementations of supposedly-secure constant-time algorithms, such as Curve25519's, are vulnerable to our attack.
Last updated:  2019-12-19
Updatable Encryption with Post-Compromise Security
Anja Lehmann, Bjoern Tackmann
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An updatable encryption scheme allows to periodically rotate the encryption key and move already existing ciphertexts from the old to the new key. These ciphertext updates are done with the help of a so-called update token and can be performed by an untrusted party, as the update never decrypts the data. Updatable encryption is particularly useful in settings where encrypted data is outsourced, e.g., stored on a cloud server. The data owner can produce an update token, and the cloud server can update the ciphertexts. We provide a comprehensive treatment of ciphertext-independent schemes, where a single token is used to update all ciphertexts. We show that the existing ciphertext-independent schemes and models by Boneh et al. (CRYPTO’13) and Everspaugh et al. (CRYPTO’17) do not guarantee the post-compromise security one would intuitively expect from key rotation. In fact, the simple scheme recently proposed by Everspaugh et al. allows to recover the current key upon corruption of a single old key. Surprisingly, none of the models so far reflects the timely aspect of key rotation which makes it hard to grasp when an adversary is allowed to corrupt keys. We propose strong security models that clearly capture post-compromise and forward security under adaptive attacks. We then analyze various existing schemes and show that none of them is secure in this strong model, but we formulate the additional constraints that suffice to prove their security in a relaxed version of our model. Finally, we propose a new updatable encryption scheme that achieves our strong notions while being (at least) as efficient as the existing solutions.
Last updated:  2019-03-06
An Improved RNS Variant of the BFV Homomorphic Encryption Scheme
Shai Halevi, Yuriy Polyakov, Victor Shoup
We present an optimized implementation of the Fan-Vercauteren variant of Brakerski's scale-invariant homomorphic encryption scheme. Our algorithmic improvements focus on optimizing decryption and homomorphic multiplication in the Residue Number System (RNS), using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) to represent and manipulate the large coefficients in the ciphertext polynomials. In particular, we propose efficient procedures for scaling and CRT basis extension that do not require translating the numbers to standard (positional) representation. Compared to the previously proposed RNS design due to Bajard et al., our procedures are simpler and faster, and introduce a lower amount of noise. We implement our optimizations in the PALISADE library and evaluate the runtime performance for the range of multiplicative depths from 1 to 100. For example, homomorphic multiplication for a depth-20 setting can be executed in 62 ms on a modern server system, which is already practical for some outsourced-computing applications. Our algorithmic improvements can also be applied to other scale-invariant homomorphic encryption schemes, such as YASHE.
Last updated:  2018-01-31
Unbounded ABE via Bilinear Entropy Expansion, Revisited
Jie Chen, Junqing Gong, Lucas Kowalczyk, Hoeteck Wee
We present simpler and improved constructions of unbounded attribute-based encryption (ABE) schemes with constant-size public parameters under static assumptions in bilinear groups. Concretely, we obtain: - a simple and adaptively secure unbounded ABE scheme in composite-order groups, improving upon a previous construction of Lewko and Waters (Eurocrypt '11) which only achieves selective security; - an improved adaptively secure unbounded ABE scheme based on the $k$-linear assumption in prime-order groups with shorter ciphertexts and secret keys than those of Okamoto and Takashima (Asiacrypt '12); - the first adaptively secure unbounded ABE scheme for arithmetic branching programs under static assumptions. At the core of all of these constructions is a "bilinear entropy expansion" lemma that allows us to generate any polynomial amount of entropy starting from constant-size public parameters; the entropy can then be used to transform existing adaptively secure "bounded" ABE schemes into unbounded ones.
Last updated:  2018-01-31
An Improved Affine Equivalence Algorithm for Random Permutations
Itai Dinur
In this paper we study the affine equivalence problem, where given two functions $\vec{F},\vec{G}: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^n$, the goal is to determine whether there exist invertible affine transformations $A_1,A_2$ over $GF(2)^n$ such that $\vec{G} = A_2 \circ \vec{F} \circ A_1$. Algorithms for this problem have several well-known applications in the design and analysis of Sboxes, cryptanalysis of white-box ciphers and breaking a generalized Even-Mansour scheme. We describe a new algorithm for the affine equivalence problem and focus on the variant where $\vec{F},\vec{G}$ are permutations over $n$-bit words, as it has the widest applicability. The complexity of our algorithm is about $n^3 2^n$ bit operations with very high probability whenever $\vec{F}$ (or $\vec{G})$ is a random permutation. This improves upon the best known algorithms for this problem (published by Biryukov et al. at EUROCRYPT 2003), where the first algorithm has time complexity of $n^3 2^{2n}$ and the second has time complexity of about $n^3 2^{3n/2}$ and roughly the same memory complexity. Our algorithm is based on a new structure (called a \emph{rank table}) which is used to analyze particular algebraic properties of a function that remain invariant under invertible affine transformations. Besides its standard application in our new algorithm, the rank table is of independent interest and we discuss several of its additional potential applications.
Last updated:  2018-07-03
Offline Assisted Group Key Exchange
Colin Boyd, Gareth T. Davies, Kristian Gjøsteen, Yao Jiang
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We design a group key exchange protocol with forward secrecy where most of the participants remain offline until they wish to compute the key. This is well suited to a cloud storage environment where users are often offline, but have online access to the server which can assist in key exchange. We define and instantiate a new primitive, a blinded KEM, which we show can be used in a natural way as part of our generic protocol construction. Our new protocol has a security proof based on a well-known model for group key exchange. Our protocol is efficient, requiring Diffie-Hellman with a handful of standard public key operations per user in our concrete instantiation.
Last updated:  2019-05-27
Classification of Balanced Quadratic Functions
Lauren De Meyer, Begül Bilgin
S-boxes, typically the only nonlinear part of a block cipher, are the heart of symmetric cryptographic primitives. They significantly impact the cryptographic strength and the implementation characteristics of an algorithm. Due to their simplicity, quadratic vectorial Boolean functions are preferred when efficient implementations for a variety of applications are of concern. Many characteristics of a function stay invariant under affine equivalence. So far, all 6-bit Boolean functions, 3- and 4-bit permutations have been classified up to affine equivalence. At FSE 2017, Bozoliv et al. presented the first classification of 5-bit quadratic permutations. In this work, we propose an adaptation of their work resulting in a highly efficient algorithm to classify $n \times m$ functions for $n \geq m$. Our algorithm enables for the first time a complete classification of 6-bit quadratic permutations as well as all balanced quadratic functions for $n \leq 6$. These functions can be valuable for new cryptographic algorithm designs with efficient multi-party computation or side-channel analysis resistance as goal. In addition, we provide a second tool for finding decompositions of length two. We demonstrate its use by decomposing existing higher degree S-boxes and constructing new S-boxes with good cryptographic and implementation properties.
Last updated:  2020-04-23
Just in Time Hashing
Benjamin Harsha, Jeremiah Blocki
In the past few years billions of user passwords have been exposed to the threat of offline cracking attempts. Such brute-force cracking attempts are increasingly dangerous as password cracking hardware continues to improve and as users continue to select low entropy passwords. Key-stretching techniques such as hash iteration and memory hard functions can help to mitigate the risk, but increased key-stretching effort necessarily increases authentication delay so this defense is fundamentally constrained by usability concerns. We introduce Just in Time Hashing (JIT), a client side key-stretching algorithm to protect user passwords against offline brute-force cracking attempts without increasing delay for the user. The basic idea is to exploit idle time while the user is typing in their password to perform extra key-stretching. As soon as the user types in the first character(s) of their password our algorithm immediately begins filling memory with hash values derived from the character(s) that the user has typed thus far. We conduct a user study to guide the development of JIT e.g. by determining how much extra key-stretching could be performed during idle cycles or how many consecutive deletions JIT may need to handle. Our security analysis demonstrates that JIT can substantially increase guessing costs over traditional key-stretching algorithms with equivalent (or less) authentication delay. Specifically an empirical evaluation using existing password datasets demonstrates that JIT increases guessing costs by nearly an order of magnitude in comparison to standard key-stretching techniques with comparable delay. We provide a proof-of-concept implementation of a Just in Time Hashing algorithm by modifying Argon2.
Last updated:  2018-01-30
MRHS Solver Based on Linear Algebra and Exhaustive Search
Håvard Raddum, Pavol Zajac
We show how to build a binary matrix from the MRHS representation of a symmetric-key cipher. The matrix contains the cipher represented as an equation system and can be used to assess a cipher's resistance against algebraic attacks. We give an algorithm for solving the system and compute its complexity. The complexity is normally close to exhaustive search on the variables representing the user-selected key. Finally, we show that for some variants of LowMC, the joined MRHS matrix representation can be used to speed up regular encryption in addition to exhaustive key search.
Last updated:  2018-01-30
Rank Analysis of Cubic Multivariate Cryptosystems
John Baena, Daniel Cabarcas, Daniel Escudero, Karan Khathuria, Javier Verbel
In this work we analyze the security of cubic cryptographic constructions with respect to rank weakness. We detail how to extend the big field idea from quadratic to cubic, and show that the same rank defect occurs. We extend the min-rank problem and propose an algorithm to solve it in this setting. We show that for fixed small rank, the complexity is even lower than for the quadratic case. However, the rank of a cubic polynomial in $n$ variables can be larger than $n$, and in this case the algorithm is very inefficient. We show that the rank of the differential is not necessarily smaller, rendering this line of attack useless if the rank is large enough. Similarly, the algebraic attack is exponential in the rank, thus useless for high rank.
Last updated:  2018-03-05
NTRU-LPR IND-CPA: A New Ideal Lattices-based Scheme
Soda Diop, Bernard Ousmane Sané, Nafissatou Diarra, Michel Seck
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In this paper, we propose NTRU-LPR IND-CPA, a new secure scheme based on the decisional variant of Bounded Distance Decoding problem over rings (DR-BDD). This scheme is IND-CPA secure and has two KEM variants IND-CCA2 secure in the random oracle model. NTRU-LPR IND-CPA is similar to NTRU LPRime and LPR Cryptosystem. NTRU-LPR IND-CPA does not have a problem of decryption failures. Our polynomial ring can be any ring of the form $\mathbb{Z}[x]/(q,f(x))$, where $f$ is a polynomial of degree $n$ and $q$ is an integer. Relatively to the DR-BDD problem, we propose to use square-free polynomials and such polynomials include $f(x)=x^n-x-1$ (as in NTRU LPRime) and $f(x)=x^n-1$ (as in NTRU). To avoid some weaknesses in Ring-LWE or NTRU-like schemes (Meet-in-the-middle attack, Hybrid attack, Weak keys, etc.), we do not use sparse polynomials or inversion of polynomials. Furthermore, to avoid backdoors, all polynomials in our scheme can be generated by hash functions. We also give a short comparative analysis between our new scheme and some proposals of the NIST Post-Quantum call (November 2017).
Last updated:  2018-04-18
Generic Round-Function-Recovery Attacks for Feistel Networks over Small Domains
F. Betül Durak, Serge Vaudenay
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Feistel Networks (FN) are now being used massively to encrypt credit card numbers through format-preserving encryption. In our work, we focus on FN with two branches, entirely unknown round functions, modular additions (or other group operations), and when the domain size of a branch (called $N$) is small. We investigate round-function-recovery attacks. The best known attack so far is an improvement of Meet-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack by Isobe and Shibutani from ASIACRYPT~2013 with optimal data complexity $q=r \frac{N}{2}$ and time complexity $N^{ \frac{r-4}{2}N + o(N)}$, where $r$ is the round number in FN. We construct an algorithm with a surprisingly better complexity when $r$ is too low, based on partial exhaustive search. When the data complexity varies from the optimal to the one of a codebook attack $q=N^2$, our time complexity can reach $N^{O \left( N^{1-\frac{1}{r-2}} \right) }$. It crosses the complexity of the improved MITM for $q\sim N\frac{\mathrm{e}^3}{r}2^{r-3}$. We also estimate the lowest secure number of rounds depending on $N$ and the security goal. We show that the format-preserving-encryption schemes FF1 and FF3 standardized by NIST and ANSI cannot offer 128-bit security (as they are supposed to) for $N\leq11$ and $N\leq17$, respectively (the NIST standard only requires $N \geq 10$), and we improve the results by Durak and Vaudenay from CRYPTO~2017.
Last updated:  2019-01-30
Towards Practical Lattice-Based One-Time Linkable Ring Signatures
Carsten Baum, Huang Lin, Sabine Oechsner
Ring signatures, as introduced by Rivest, Shamir, and Tauman (Asiacrypt ’01), allow to generate a signature for a message on be half of an ad-hoc set of parties. To sign a message, only the public keys must be known and these can be generated independently. It is furthermore not possible to identify the actual signer based on the signature. Ring signatures have recently gained attention due to their applicability in the construction of practical anonymous cryptocurrencies, where they are used to secure transactions while hiding the identity of the actual spender. To be applicable in that setting, ring signatures must allow to determine when a party signed multiple transactions, which is done using a property called linkability. This work presents a linkable ring signature scheme constructed from a lattice-based collision-resistant hash function. We follow the idea of existing schemes which are secure based on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem, but adapt and optimize ours to the lattice setting. In comparison to other designs for (lattice-based) linkable ring signatures, our approach avoids the standard solution for achieving linkability, which involves proofs about correct evaluation of a pseudorandom function using heavy zero-knowledge machinery.
Last updated:  2018-01-30
On the Gold Standard for Security of Universal Steganography
Sebastian Berndt, Maciej Liśkiewicz
While symmetric-key steganography is quite well understood both in the information-theoretic and in the computational setting, many fundamental questions about its public-key counterpart resist persistent attempts to solve them. The computational model for public-key steganography was proposed by von Ahn and Hopper in EUROCRYPT 2004. At TCC 2005, Backes and Cachin gave the first universal public-key stegosystem - i.e. one that works on all channels - achieving security against replayable chosen-covertext attacks (SS-RCCA) and asked whether security against non-replayable chosen-covertext attacks (SS-CCA) is achievable. Later, Hopper (ICALP 2005) provided such a stegosystem for every efficiently sampleable channel, but did not achieve universality. He posed the question whether universality and SS-CCA-security can be achieved simultaneously. No progress on this question has been achieved since more than a decade. In our work we solve Hopper's problem in a somehow complete manner: As our main positive result we design an SS-CCA-secure stegosystem that works for every memoryless channel. On the other hand, we prove that this result is the best possible in the context of universal steganography. We provide a family of 0-memoryless channels - where the already sent documents have only marginal influence on the current distribution - and prove that no SS-CCA-secure steganography for this family exists in the standard non-look-ahead model.
Last updated:  2018-06-21
Combining Private Set-Intersection with Secure Two-Party Computation
Michele Ciampi, Claudio Orlandi
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Private Set-Intersection (PSI) is one of the most popular and practically relevant secure two-party computation (2PC) tasks. Therefore, designing special-purpose PSI protocols (which are more efficient than generic 2PC solutions) is a very active line of research. In particular, a recent line of work has proposed PSI protocols based on oblivious transfer (OT) which, thanks to recent advances in OT-extension techniques, is nowadays a very cheap cryptographic building block. Unfortunately, these protocols cannot be plugged into larger 2PC applications since in these protocols one party (by design) learns the output of the intersection. Therefore, it is not possible to perform secure post-processing of the output of the PSI protocol. In this paper we propose a novel and efficient OT-based PSI protocol that produces an "encrypted" output that can therefore be later used as an input to other 2PC protocols. In particular, the protocol can be used in combination with all common approaches to 2PC including garbled circuits, secret sharing and homomorphic encryption. Thus, our protocol can be combined with the right 2PC techniques to achieve more efficient protocols for computations of the form $z=f(X\cap Y)$ for arbitrary functions $f$.
Last updated:  2021-11-10
PHANTOM and GHOSTDAG: A Scalable Generalization of Nakamoto Consensus
Yonatan Sompolinsky, Shai Wyborski, Aviv Zohar
In 2008 Satoshi Nakamoto invented the basis for blockchain-based distributed ledgers. The core concept of this system is an open and anonymous network of nodes, or miners, which together maintain a public ledger of transactions. The ledger takes the form of a chain of blocks, the blockchain, where each block is a batch of new transactions collected from users. One primary problem with Satoshi's blockchain is its highly limited scalability. The security of Satoshi's longest chain rule, more generally known as the Bitcoin protocol, requires that all honest nodes be aware of each other's blocks very soon after the block's creation. To this end, the throughput of the system is artificially suppressed so that each block fully propagates before the next one is created, and that very few ``orphan blocks'' that fork the chain be created spontaneously. In this paper we present PHANTOM, a proof-of-work based protocol for a permissionless ledger that generalizes Nakamoto's blockchain to a direct acyclic graph of blocks (blockDAG). PHANTOM includes a parameter $k$ that controls the level of tolerance of the protocol to blocks that were created concurrently, which can be set to accommodate higher throughput. It thus avoids the security-scalability tradeoff which Satoshi's protocol suffers from. PHANTOM solves an optimization problem over the blockDAG to distinguish between blocks mined properly by honest nodes and those created by non-cooperating nodes who chose to deviate from the mining protocol. Using this distinction, PHANTOM provides a robust total order on the blockDAG in a way that is eventually agreed upon by all honest nodes. Implementing PHANTOM requires solving an NP-hard problem, and to avoid this prohibitive computation, we devised an efficient greedy algorithm GHOSTDAG that captures the essence of PHANTOM. We provide a formal proof of the security of GHOSTDAG, namely, that its ordering of blocks is irreversible up to an exponentially negligible factor. We discuss the properties of GHOSTDAG and how it compares to other DAG based protocols.
Last updated:  2020-11-02
Decomposition of Permutations in a Finite Field
Svetla Nikova, Ventzislav Nikov, Vincent Rijmen
We describe a method to decompose any power permutation, as a sequence of power permutations of lower algebraic degree. As a result we obtain decompositions of the inversion in $\mathrm{GF}(2^n)$ for small $n$ from $3$ up to $16$, as well as for the APN functions, when $n=5$. More precisely, we find decompositions into quadratic power permutations for any $n$ not multiple of $4$ and decompositions into cubic power permutations for $n$ multiple of $4$. Finally, we use the Theorem of Carlitz to prove that for $3 \leq n \leq 16$ any $n$-bit permutation can be decomposed in quadratic and cubic permutations.
Last updated:  2018-04-13
Grafting Trees: a Fault Attack against the SPHINCS framework
Laurent Castelnovi, Ange Martinelli, Thomas Prest
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Because they require no assumption besides the preimage or collision resistance of hash functions, hash-based signatures are a unique and very attractive class of post-quantum primitives. Among them, the schemes of the SPHINCS family are arguably the most practical stateless schemes, and can be implemented on embedded devices such as FPGAs or smart cards. This naturally raises the question of their resistance to implementation attacks. In this paper, we propose the first fault attack against the framework underlying SPHINCS, Gravity-SPHINCS and SPHINCS+. Our attack allows to forge any message signature at the cost of a single faulted message. Furthermore, the fault model is very reasonable and the faulted signatures remain valid, which renders our attack both stealthy and practical. As the attack involves a non-negligible computational cost, we propose a fine-grained trade-off allowing to lower this cost by slightly increasing the number of faulted messages. Our attack is generic in the sense that it does not depend on the underlying hash function(s) used.
Last updated:  2018-01-29
A Secure and Privacy-preserving Protocol for Smart Metering Operational Data Collection
Mustafa A. Mustafa, Sara Cleemput, Abdelrahaman Aly, Aysajan Abidin
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In this paper we propose a novel protocol that allows suppliers and grid operators to collect users' aggregate metering data in a secure and privacy-preserving manner. We use secure multiparty computation to ensure privacy protection. In addition, we propose three different data aggregation algorithms that offer different balances between privacy-protection and performance. Our protocol is designed for a realistic scenario in which the data need to be sent to different parties, such as grid operators and suppliers. Furthermore, it facilitates an accurate calculation of transmission, distribution and grid balancing fees in a privacy-preserving manner. We also present a security analysis and a performance evaluation of our protocol based on well known multiparty computation algorithms implemented in C++.
Last updated:  2018-01-29
A Nonstandard Variant of Learning with Rounding with Polynomial Modulus and Unbounded Samples
Hart Montgomery
The learning with rounding problem (LWR) has become a popular cryptographic assumption to study recently due to its determinism and resistance to known quantum attacks. Unfortunately, LWR is only known to be provably hard for instances of the problem where the LWR modulus $q$ is at least as large as some polynomial function of the number of samples given to an adversary, meaning LWR is provably hard only when (1) an adversary can only see a fixed, predetermined amount of samples or (2) the modulus $q$ is superpolynomial in the security parameter, meaning that the hardness reduction is from superpolynomial approximation factors on worst-case lattices. In this work, we show that there exists a (still fully deterministic) variant of the LWR problem that allows for both unbounded queries and a polynomial modulus $q$, breaking an important theoretical barrier. To our knowledge, our new assumption, which we call the "nearby learning with lattice rounding problem" (NLWLR), is the first fully deterministic version of the learning with errors (LWE) problem that allows for both unbounded queries and a polynomial modulus. We note that our assumption is not practical for any kind of use and is mainly intended as a theoretical proof of concept to show that provably hard deterministic forms of LWE can exist with a modulus that does not grow polynomially with the number of samples.
Last updated:  2019-03-04
Improved Bounds on the Threshold Gap in Ramp Secret Sharing
Ignacio Cascudo, Jaron Skovsted Gundersen, Diego Ruano
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In this paper we consider linear secret sharing schemes over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$, where the secret is a vector in $\mathbb{F}_q^\ell$ and each of the $n$ shares is a single element of $\mathbb{F}_q$. We obtain lower bounds on the so-called threshold gap $g$ of such schemes, defined as the quantity $r-t$ where $r$ is the smallest number such that any subset of $r$ shares uniquely determines the secret and $t$ is the largest number such that any subset of $t$ shares provides no information about the secret. Our main result establishes a family of bounds which are tighter than previously known bounds for $\ell\geq 2$. Furthermore, we also provide bounds, in terms of $n$ and $q$, on the partial reconstruction and privacy thresholds, a more fine-grained notion that considers the amount of information about the secret that can be contained in a set of shares of a given size. Finally, we compare our lower bounds with known upper bounds in the asymptotic setting.
Last updated:  2018-01-31
How to Reveal the Secrets of an Obscure White-Box Implementation
Louis Goubin, Pascal Paillier, Matthieu Rivain, Junwei Wang
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White-box cryptography protects key extraction from software implementations of cryptographic primitives. It is widely deployed in DRM and mobile payment applications in which a malicious attacker might control the entire execution environment. So far, no provably secure white-box implementation of AES has been put forward, and all the published practical constructions are vulnerable to differential computation analysis (DCA) and differential fault analysis (DFA). As a consequence, the industry relies on home-made obscure white-box implementations based on secret designs. It is therefore of interest to investigate the achievable resistance of an AES implementation to thwart a white-box adversary in this paradigm. To this purpose, the ECRYPT CSA project has organized the WhibOx contest as the catch the flag challenge of CHES 2017. Researchers and engineers were invited to participate either as designers by submitting the source code of an AES-128 white-box implementation with a freely chosen key, or as breakers by trying to extract the hard-coded keys in the submitted challenges. The participants were not expected to disclose their identities or the underlying designing/attacking techniques. In the end, 94 submitted challenges were all broken and only 13 of them held more than 1 day. The strongest (in terms of surviving time) implementation, submitted by Biryukov and Udovenko, survived for 28 days (which is more than twice as much as the second strongest implementation), and it was broken by a single team, i.e., the authors of the present paper, with reverse engineering and algebraic analysis. In this paper, we give a detailed description of the different steps of our cryptanalysis. We then generalize it to an attack methodology to break further obscure white-box implementations. In particular, we formalize and generalize the linear decoding analysis that we use to extract the key from the encoded intermediate variables of the target challenge.
Last updated:  2018-01-28
Exploiting an HMAC-SHA-1 optimization to speed up PBKDF2
Andrea Visconti, Federico Gorla
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PBKDF2 [27] is a well-known password-based key derivation function. In order to slow attackers down, PBKDF2 introduces CPU-intensive operations based on an iterated pseudorandom function (in our case HMAC-SHA-1). If we are able to speed up a SHA-1 or an HMAC implementation, we are able to speed up PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA-1. This means that a performance improvement might be exploited by regular users and attackers. Interestingly, FIPS 198-1 [31] suggests that it is possible to precompute first message block of a keyed hash function only once, store such a value and use it each time is needed [43]. Therefore the computation of first message block does not contribute to slowing attackers down, thus making the computation of second message block crucial. In this paper we focus on the latter, investigating the possibility to avoid part of the HMAC-SHA-1 operations. We show that some CPU-intensive operations may be replaced with a set of equivalent, but less onerous, instructions. We identify useless XOR operations exploiting and extending Intel optimizations [26], and applying the Boyar-Peralta heuristic [12]. In addition, we provide an alternative method to compute the SHA-1 message scheduling function and explain why attackers might exploit these findings to speed up a brute force attack.
Last updated:  2019-09-24
Paralysis Proofs: Secure Access-Structure Updates for Cryptocurrencies and More
Fan Zhang, Philip Daian, Gabriel Kaptchuk, Iddo Bentov, Ian Miers, Ari Juels
Conventional (M, N )-threshold signature schemes leave users with a painful choice. Setting M = N offers maximum resistance to key compromise. With this choice, though, loss of a single key renders the signing capability unavailable, creating paralysis in systems that use signatures for access control. Lower M improves availability, but at the expense of security. For example, (3, 3)-multisig wallet experiences access-control paralysis upon loss of a single key, but a (2, 3)-multisig allows any two players to collude and steal funds from the third. In this paper, we introduce techniques that address this impasse by making general cryptographic access structures dynamic. Our schemes permit, e.g., a (3, 3)-multisig, to be downgraded to a (2, 3)- multisig if a player goes missing. This downgrading is secure in the sense that it occurs only if a player is provably unavailable. Our main tool is what we call a Paralysis Proof, evidence that play- ers, i.e., key holders, are unavailable or incapacitated. Using Paraly- sis Proofs, we show how to construct a Dynamic Access Structure System, which can securely and flexibly update target access struc- tures without a trusted third party such as a system administrator. We present DASS constructions that combine a trust anchor (a trusted execution environment or smart contract) with a censorship- resistant channel in the form of a blockchain. We offer a formal framework for specifying DASS policies, and define and show how to achieve critical security and usability properties (safety, liveness, and paralysis-freeness) in a DASS. Paralysis Proofs can help address pervasive key-management chal- lenges in many different settings. We present DASS schemes for three important example use cases: recovery of cryptocurrency funds should players become unavailable, returning funds to users when cryptocurrency custodians fail, and remediating critical smart- contract failures such as frozen funds. We report on practical im- plementations for Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Last updated:  2018-01-28
Towards Fully Automated Analysis of Whiteboxes: Perfect Dimensionality Reduction for Perfect Leakage
Cees-Bart Breunesse, Ilya Kizhvatov, Ruben Muijrers, Albert Spruyt
Differential computation analysis (DCA) is a technique recently introduced by Bos et al. and Sanfelix et al. for key recovery from whitebox implementations of symmetric ciphers. It consists in applying the differential power analysis approach to software execution traces that are obtained by tracing the memory accesses of a whitebox application. While being very effective, DCA relies on analyst intuition to be efficient. In particular, memory range selection is needed to prevent software execution traces from becoming prohibitively long. Moreover, analyst failure to specify the relevant range lets the vulnerable whitebox implementation be evaluated as secure. We present a novel approach for dimensionality reduction of software execution traces, that takes a significant part of analyst intuition out of the loop. The approach exploits the lack of measurement noise in the traces and selects only the samples that are relevant for the key recovery. Our experiments with the published whitebox implementations show that the length of software execution traces can be automatically reduced to a few dozens of bits. This results in an attack speedup of several orders of magnitude, which in turn facilitates the use of more computationally intensive DCA flavours such as multiple leakage targets proposed by Klemsa. Our approach simplifies the methodology for whitebox analysis down to the tracing of a large default memory range, letting our dimensionality reduction techniques extract the relevant points for DCA, and run the attack on multiple leakage targets, excluding analyst errors and saving analysis time. It also provides quick insights in case of whitebox implementations with additional protection layers such as encodings, and can be used to identify the range for fault injection in differential fault analysis. We make our techniques available to the community as a part of a free/libre open-source side channel analysis toolkit. We believe they are a step forward for fully automated whitebox analysis tools.
Last updated:  2018-01-28
Parameterization of Edwards curves on the rational field Q with given torsion subgroups
Linh Tung Vo
This paper presents the basic concepts of the Edwards curves, twisted Edwards curves and the point addition laws on these curves. The main result is the parameterization of the Edward curve with the given torsion subgroup in the rational field Q.
Last updated:  2018-01-28
Statistical Attacks on Cookie Masking for RC4
Kenneth G. Paterson, Jacob C. N. Schuldt
Levillain et al. (AsiaCCS 2015) proposed two cookie masking methods, TLS Scramble and MCookies, to counter a class of attacks on SSL/TLS in which the attacker is able to exploit its ability to obtain many encryptions of a target HTTP cookie. In particular, the masking methods potentially make it viable to continue to use the RC4 algorithm in SSL/TLS. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis of TLS Scramble and MCookies when used in conjunction with RC4 in SSL/TLS. We show that, in fact, both are vulnerable to variants of the known attacks against RC4 in SSL/TLS exploiting the Mantin biases (Mantin, EUROCRYPT 2005): * For the TLS Scramble mechanism, we provide a detailed statistical analysis coupled with extensive simulations that show that about $2^{37}$ encryptions of the cookie are sufficient to enable its recovery. * For the MCookies mechanism, our analysis is made more complex by the presence of a Base64 encoding step in the mechanism, which (unintentionally) acts like a classical block cipher S-box in the masking process. Despite this, we are able to develop a maximum likelihood analysis which provides a rigorous statistical procedure for estimating the unknown cookie. Based on simulations, we estimate that $2^{45}$ encryptions of the cookie are sufficient to enable its recovery. Taken together, our analyses show that the cookie masking mechanisms as proposed by Levillain et al. only moderately increase the security of RC4 in SSL/TLS.
Last updated:  2018-02-12
Constructions of S-boxes with uniform sharing
Kerem Varici, Svetla Nikova, Ventzislav Nikov, Vincent Rijmen
In this paper we focus on S-box constructions. We consider the uniformity property of an S-box which plays an important role in Threshold Implementations (TI). Most papers so far have studied TI sharings for given S-boxes. We proceed in the opposite way: starting from $n$-bit S-boxes with known sharings we construct new $(n+1)$-bit S-boxes from them with the desired sharings. In addition, we investigate the self-equivalency of S-boxes and show some interesting properties.
Last updated:  2018-01-28
Polynomial multiplication over binary finite fields: new upper bounds
Alessandro De Piccoli, Andrea Visconti, Ottavio Giulio Rizzo
When implementing a cryptographic algorithm, efficient operations have high relevance both in hardware and software. Since a number of operations can be performed via polynomial multiplication, the arithmetic of polynomials over finite fields plays a key role in real-life implementations. One of the most interesting paper that addressed the problem has been published in 2009. In [5], Bernstein suggests to split polynomials into parts and presents a new recursive multiplication technique which is faster than those commonly used. In order to further reduce the number of bit operations [6] required to multiply n-bit polynomials, researchers adopt different approaches. In [18] a greedy heuristic has been applied to linear straight-line sequences listed in [6]. In 2013, D'angella, Schiavo and Visconti [20] skip some redundant operations of the multiplication algorithms described in [5]. In 2015, Cenk, Negre and Hasan [12] suggest new multiplication algorithms. In this paper, (a) we present a "k-1"-level Recursion algorithm that can be used to reduce the effective number of bit operations required to multiply n-bit polynomials; and (b) we use algebraic extensions of F_2 combined with Lagrange interpolation to improve the asymptotic complexity.
Last updated:  2018-01-28
Secure and Scalable Multi-User Searchable Encryption
Cédric Van Rompay, Refik Molva, Melek Önen
By allowing a large number of users to behave as readers or writers, Multi-User Searchable Encryption (MUSE) raises new security and performance challenges beyond the typical requirements of Symmetric Searchable Encryption (SSE). In this paper we identify two core mandatory requirements of MUSE protocols being privacy in face of users colluding with the CSP and low complexity for the users, pointing that no existing MUSE protocol satisfies these two requirements at the same time. We then come up with the first MUSE protocol that satisfies both of them. The design of the protocol also includes new constructions for a secure variant of Bloom Filters (BFs) and multi-query Oblivious Transfer (OT).
Last updated:  2018-11-15
The Unified Butterfly Effect: Efficient Security Credential Management System for Vehicular Communications
Marcos A. Simplicio Jr., Eduardo Lopes Cominetti, Harsh Kupwade Patil, Jefferson E. Ricardini, Marcos Vinicius M. Silva
Security and privacy are important requirements for the broad deployment of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). This motivated the development of many proposals aimed at creating a Vehicular Public Key Infrastructure (VPKI) for addressing such needs. Among them, schemes based on pseudonym certificates are considered particularly prominent: they provide data authentication in a privacy-preserving manner while allowing vehicles to be revoked in case of misbehavior. Indeed, this is the approach followed by the Security Credential Management System (SCMS), one of the leading candidate designs for protecting vehicular communications in the United States. Despite SCMS's appealing design, in this article we show that it still can be further improved. Namely, one of the main benefits of SCMS is its so-called butterfly key expansion process, which allows batches of pseudonym certificates to be issued for authorized vehicles by means of a single request. Whereas this procedure requires the vehicle to provide two separate public/private key pairs for registration authorities, we present a modified protocol that uses a single key for the same purpose. As a result, the processing and bandwidth costs of the certificate provisioning protocol drop as far as 50%. Such performance gains come with no negative impact in terms of security, flexibility or scalability when compared to the original SCMS.
Last updated:  2018-01-28
Fully homomorphic public-key encryption with small ciphertext size
Masahiro Yagisawa
In previous work I proposed a fully homomorphic encryption without bootstrapping which has the large size of ciphertext. This tme I propose the fully homomorphic public-key encryption scheme on non-associative octonion ring over finite field with the small size of ciphertext. In this scheme the size of ciphertext is one-third of the size in the scheme proposed before. Because proposed scheme adopts the medium text with zero norm, it is immune from the “p and -p attack”. As the proposed scheme is based on computational difficulty to solve the multivariate algebraic equations of high degree, it is immune from the Gröbner basis attack, the differential attack, rank attack and so on.
Last updated:  2018-04-18
(Short Paper) A Wild Velvet Fork Appears! Inclusive Blockchain Protocol Changes in Practice
Alexei Zamyatin, Nicholas Stifter, Aljosha Judmayer, Philipp Schindler, Edgar Weippl, William J. Knottenbelt
The loosely defined terms hard fork and soft fork have established themselves as descriptors of different classes of upgrade mechanisms for the underlying consensus rules of (proof-of-work) blockchains. Recently, a novel approach termed velvet fork, which expands upon the concept of a soft fork, was outlined. Specifically, velvet forks intend to avoid the possibility of disagreement by a change of rules through rendering modifications to the protocol backward compatible and inclusive to legacy blocks.We present an overview and definitions of these different upgrade mechanisms and outline their relationships. Hereby, we expose examples where velvet forks or similar constructions are already actively employed in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, we expand upon the concept of velvet forks by proposing possible applications and discuss potentially arising security implications.
Last updated:  2018-01-26
Constructing low-weight dth-order correlation-immune Boolean functions through the Fourier-Hadamard transform
Claude Carlet, Xi Chen
The correlation immunity of Boolean functions is a property related to cryptography, to error correcting codes, to orthogonal arrays (in combinatorics, which was also a domain of interest of S. Golomb) and in a slightly looser way to sequences. Correlation-immune Boolean functions (in short, CI functions) have the property of keeping the same output distribution when some input variables are fixed. They have been widely used as combiners in stream ciphers to allow resistance to the Siegenthaler correlation attack. Very recently, a new use of CI functions has appeared in the framework of side channel attacks (SCA). To reduce the cost overhead of counter-measures to SCA, CI functions need to have low Hamming weights. This actually poses new challenges since the known constructions which are based on properties of the Walsh-Hadamard transform, do not allow to build unbalanced CI functions. In this paper, we propose constructions of low-weight dth-order CI functions based on the Fourier- Hadamard transform, while the known constructions of resilient functions are based on the Walsh-Hadamard transform. We first prove a simple but powerful result, which makes that one only need to consider the case where d is odd in further research. Then we investigate how constructing low Hamming weight CI functions through the Fourier-Hadamard transform (which behaves well with respect to the multiplication of Boolean functions). We use the characterization of CI functions by the Fourier-Hadamard transform and introduce a related general construction of CI functions by multiplication. By using the Kronecker product of vectors, we obtain more constructions of low-weight d-CI Boolean functions. Furthermore, we present a method to construct low-weight d-CI Boolean functions by making additional restrictions on the supports built from the Kronecker product.
Last updated:  2018-07-30
Protecting Block Ciphers against Differential Fault Attacks without Re-keying (Extended Version)
Anubhab Baksi, Shivam Bhasin, Jakub Breier, Mustafa Khairallah, Thomas Peyrin
In this article, we propose a new method to protect block cipher implementations against Differential Fault Attacks (DFA). Our strategy, so-called ``Tweak-in-Plaintext'', ensures that an uncontrolled value (`tweak-in') is inserted into some part of the block cipher plaintext, thus effectively rendering DFA much harder to perform. Our method is extremely simple yet presents many advantages when compared to previous solutions proposed at AFRICACRYPT 2010 or CARDIS 2015. Firstly, we do not need any Tweakable block cipher, nor any related-key security assumption (we do not perform any re-keying). Moreover, performance for lightweight applications is improved, and we do not need to send any extra data. Finally, our scheme can be directly used with standard block ciphers such as AES or PRESENT. Experimental results show that the throughput overheads, for incorporating our scheme into AES-128, range between $\approx$ 5\% to $\approx$ 26.9\% for software, and between $\approx$ 3.1\% to $\approx$ 25\% for hardware implementations; depending on the tweak-in size.
Last updated:  2018-01-26
Threat-Adjusting Security: BitFlip as an AI-Ready, Post-Quantum cipher
Gideon Samid
Generally ciphers project a fixed measure of security, defined by the com- plexity of their algorithms. Alas, threat is variable, and should be met with matching security. It is useless to project insu cient security, and it is wasteful and burden- some to over-secure data. BitFlip comes with threat-adjustable flexibility, established via: (i) smart decoy strategy, (ii) parallel encryption, (iii) uniform letter frequency adjustment – tools which enable the BitFlip user to (a) adjust its ciphertexts to match the appraised threat, and (b) sustain security levels for aging keys. The use of these threat-adjusting tools may be automated to allow (1) AI engines to enhance the security service of the cipher, and (2) to enable remote hard-to-access IoT devices to keep aging keys useful, and preserve precious energy by matching security to the ad-hoc threat level. BitFlip may also be operated in a zero-leakage mode where no attributes of a conversation are disclosed, up to full steganographic levels. BitFlip se- curity is two-dimensional: intractability and equivocation, both may be conveniently increased to meet quantum cryptanalytic attacks.
Last updated:  2018-01-26
Flaws in a Verifiably Multiplicative Secret Sharing Scheme from ICITS 2017
Maki Yoshida, Satoshi Obana
In this paper, we point out flaws in an existing verifiably multiplicative secret sharing (VMSS) scheme. Namely, we show that a scheme proposed by Yoshida and Obana presented at ICITS 2017 is insecure against an adversary who corrupts a single player. We then show that in the model of ICITS 2017 which restricts the decoder additive, the error-free verification is impossible. We further show that by allowing a general class of decoders which include a linear one, the scheme is error-free.
Last updated:  2018-01-24
Synchronized Aggregate Signatures from the RSA Assumption
Susan Hohenberger, Brent Waters
In this work we construct efficient aggregate signatures from the RSA assumption in the synchronized setting. In this setting, the signing algorithm takes as input a (time) period $t$ as well the secret key and message. A signer should sign at most once for each $t$. A set of signatures can be aggregated so long as they were all created for the same period $t$. Synchronized aggregate signatures are useful in systems where there is a natural reporting period such as log and sensor data, or for signatures embedded in a blockchain protocol where the creation of an additional block is a natural synchronization event. We design a synchronized aggregate signature scheme that works for a bounded number of periods $T$ that is given as a parameter to a global system setup. The big technical question is whether we can create solutions that will perform well with the large $T$ values that we might use in practice. For instance, if one wanted signing keys to last up to ten years and be able to issue signatures every second, then we would need to support a period bound of upwards of $2^{28}$. We build our solution in stages where we start with an initial solution that establishes feasibility, but has an impractically large signing time where the number of exponentiations and prime searches grows linearly with $T$. We prove this scheme secure in the standard model under the RSA assumption with respect to honestly-generated keys. We then provide a tradeoff method where one can tradeoff the time to create signatures with the space required to store private keys. One point in the tradeoff is where each scales with $\sqrt{T}$. Finally, we reach our main innovation which is a scheme where both the signing time and storage scale with $\lg{T}$ which allows for us to keep both computation and storage costs modest even for large values of $T$. Conveniently, our final scheme uses the same verification algorithm, and has the same distribution of public keys and signatures as the first scheme. Thus we are able to recycle the existing security proof for the new scheme. We also show how to extend our results to the identity-based setting in the random oracle model, which can further reduce the overall cryptographic overhead. We conclude with a detailed evaluation of the signing time and storage requirements for various practical settings of the system parameters.
Last updated:  2018-01-24
How to validate the secret of a Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) key
Jintai Ding, Saraswathy RV, Saed Alsayigh, Crystal Clough
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We use the signal function from RLWE key exchange to derive an efficient zero knowledge authentication protocol to validate an RLWE key $p=as+e$ with secret $s$ and error $e$ in the Random Oracle Model (ROM). With this protocol, a verifier can validate that a key $p$ presented to him by a prover $P$ is of the form $p=as+e$ with $s,e$ small and that the prover knows $s$. We accompany the description of the protocol with proof to show that it has negligible soundness and completeness error. The soundness of our protocol relies directly on the hardness of the RLWE problem. The protocol is applicable for both LWE and RLWE but we focus on the RLWE based protocol for efficiency and practicality. We also present a variant of the main protocol with a commitment scheme to avoid using the ROM.
Last updated:  2018-01-23
A Cryptographic Analysis of the WireGuard Protocol
Benjamin Dowling, Kenneth G. Paterson
WireGuard (Donenfeld, NDSS 2017) is a recently proposed secure network tunnel operating at layer 3. WireGuard aims to replace existing tunnelling solutions like IPsec and OpenVPN, while requiring less code, being more secure, more performant, and easier to use. The cryptographic design of WireGuard is based on the Noise framework. It makes use of a key exchange component which combines long-term and ephemeral Diffie-Hellman values (along with optional preshared keys). This is followed by the use of the established keys in an AEAD construction to encapsulate IP packets in UDP. To date, WireGuard has received no rigorous security analysis. In this paper, we, rectify this. We first observe that, in order to prevent Key Compromise Impersonation (KCI) attacks, any analysis of WireGuard's key exchange component must take into account the first AEAD ciphertext from initiator to responder. This message effectively acts as a key confirmation and makes the key exchange component of WireGuard a 1.5 RTT protocol. However, the fact that this ciphertext is computed using the established session key rules out a proof of session key indistinguishability for WireGuard's key exchange component, limiting the degree of modularity that is achievable when analysing the protocol's security. To overcome this proof barrier, and as an alternative to performing a monolithic analysis of the entire WireGuard protocol, we add an extra message to the protocol. This is done in a minimally invasive way that does not increase the number of round trips needed by the overall WireGuard protocol. This change enables us to prove strong authentication and key indistinguishability properties for the key exchange component of WireGuard under standard cryptographic assumptions.
Last updated:  2018-02-13
Progressive lattice sieving
Thijs Laarhoven, Artur Mariano
Most algorithms for hard lattice problems are based on the principle of rank reduction: to solve a problem in a $d$-dimensional lattice, one first solves one or more problem instances in a sublattice of rank $d - 1$, and then uses this information to find a solution to the original problem. Existing lattice sieving methods, however, tackle lattice problems such as the shortest vector problem (SVP) directly, and work with the full-rank lattice from the start. Lattice sieving further seems to benefit less from starting with reduced bases than other methods, and finding an approximate solution almost takes as long as finding an exact solution. These properties currently set sieving apart from other methods. In this work we consider a progressive approach to lattice sieving, where we gradually introduce new basis vectors only when the sieve has stabilized on the previous basis vectors. This leads to improved (heuristic) guarantees on finding approximate shortest vectors, a bigger practical impact of the quality of the basis on the run-time, better memory management, a smoother and more predictable behavior of the algorithm, and significantly faster convergence - compared to traditional approaches, we save between a factor $20$ to $40$ in the time complexity for SVP.
Last updated:  2018-01-18
A Systematic Approach To Cryptocurrency Fees
Alexander Chepurnoy, Vasily Kharin, Dmitry Meshkov
This paper is devoted to the study of transaction fees in massively replicated open blockchain systems. In such systems, like Bitcoin, a snapshot of current state required for the validation of transactions is being held in the memory, which eventually becomes a scarce resource. Uncontrolled state growth can lead to security issues. We propose a modification of a transaction fee scheme based on how much additional space will be needed for the objects created as a result of transaction processing and for how long will they live in the state. We also work out the way to combine fees charged for different resources spent (bandwidth, random-access state memory, processor cycles) in a composite fee and demonstrate consistency of the approach by analyzing the statistics from Ethereum network. We show a possible implementation for state-related fee in a form of regular payments to miners.
Last updated:  2019-05-27
On the Bit Security of Cryptographic Primitives
Daniele Micciancio, Michael Walter
We introduce a formal quantitative notion of ``bit security'' for a general type of cryptographic games (capturing both decision and search problems), aimed at capturing the intuition that a cryptographic primitive with $k$-bit security is as hard to break as an ideal cryptographic function requiring a brute force attack on a $k$-bit key space. Our new definition matches the notion of bit security commonly used by cryptographers and cryptanalysts when studying search (e.g., key recovery) problems, where the use of the traditional definition is well established. However, it produces a quantitatively different metric in the case of decision (indistinguishability) problems, where the use of (a straightforward generalization of) the traditional definition is more problematic and leads to a number of paradoxical situations or mismatches between theoretical/provable security and practical/common sense intuition. Key to our new definition is to consider adversaries that may explicitly declare failure of the attack. We support and justify the new definition by proving a number of technical results, including tight reductions between several standard cryptographic problems, a new hybrid theorem that preserves bit security, and an application to the security analysis of indistinguishability primitives making use of (approximate) floating point numbers. This is the first result showing that (standard precision) 53-bit floating point numbers can be used to achieve 100-bit security in the context of cryptographic primitives with general indistinguishability-based security definitions. Previous results of this type applied only to search problems, or special types of decision problems.
Last updated:  2018-01-18
EM Analysis in the IoT Context: Lessons Learned from an Attack on Thread
Daniel Dinu, Ilya Kizhvatov
The distinguishing feature of the Internet of Things is that many devices get interconnected. The threat of side-channel attacks in this setting is less understood than the threat of traditional network and software exploitation attacks that are perceived to be more powerful. This work is a case study of Thread, an emerging network and transport level stack designed to facilitate secure communication between heterogeneous IoT devices. We perform the first side-channel vulnerability analysis of the Thread networking stack. We leverage various network mechanisms to trigger manipulations of the security material or to get access to the network credentials. We choose the most feasible attack vector to build a complete attack that combines network specific mechanisms and Differential Electromagnetic Analysis. When successfully applied on a Thread network, the attack gives full network access to the adversary. We evaluate the feasibility of our attack in a TI CC2538 setup running OpenThread, a certified open-source implementation of the stack. The full attack does not succeed in our setting. The root cause for this failure is not any particular security feature of the protocol or the implementation, but a side-effect of a feature not related to security. We summarize the problems that we find in the protocol with respect to side-channel analysis, and suggest a range of countermeasures to prevent our attack and the other attack vectors we identified during the vulnerability analysis. In general, we demonstrate that elaborate security mechanisms of Thread make a side-channel attack not trivial to mount. Similar to a modern software exploit, it requires chaining multiple vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, such attacks are feasible. Being perhaps too expensive for settings like smart homes, they pose a relatively higher threat to the commercial setting. We believe our experience provides a useful lesson to designers of IoT protocols and devices.
Last updated:  2018-07-27
MILP-aided Cube-attack-like Cryptanalysis on Keccak Keyed Modes
Wenquan Bi, Xiaoyang Dong, Zheng Li, Rui Zong, Xiaoyun Wang
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Cube-attack-like cryptanalysis was proposed by Dinur et al. at EUROCRYPT 2015, which recovers the key of Keccak keyed modes in a divide-and-conquer manner. In their attack, one selects cube variables manually, which leads to more key bits involved in the key-recovery attack, so the complexity is too high unnecessarily. In this paper, we introduce a new MILP model and make the cube attacks better on the Keccak keyed modes. Using this new MILP tool, we find the optimal cube variables for Keccak-MAC, Keyak and Ketje, which makes that a minimum number of key bits are involved in the key-recovery attack. For example, when the capacity is 256, we find a new 32-dimension cube for Keccak-MAC that involves only 18 key bits instead of Dinur et al.'s 64 bits and the complexity of the 6-round attack is reduced to $2^{42}$ from $2^{66}$. More impressively, using this new tool, we give the very first 7-round key-recovery attack on Keccak-MAC-512. We get the 8-round key-recovery attacks on Lake Keyak in nonce-respected setting. In addition, we get the best attacks on Ketje Major/Minor. For Ketje Major, when the length of nonce is 9 lanes, we could improve the best previous 6-round attack to 7-round. Our attacks do not threaten the full-round (12) Keyak/Ketje or the full-round (24) Keccak-MAC. When comparing with Huang et al.'s conditional cube attack, the MILP-aided cube-attack-like cryptanalysis has larger effective range and gets the best results on the Keccak keyed variants with relatively smaller number of degrees of freedom.
Last updated:  2018-03-26
Secure Logistic Regression Based on Homomorphic Encryption: Design and Evaluation
Miran Kim, Yongsoo Song, Shuang Wang, Yuhou Xia, Xiaoqian Jiang
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Learning a model without accessing raw data has been an intriguing idea to the security and machine learning researchers for years. In an ideal setting, we want to encrypt sensitive data to store them on a commercial cloud and run certain analysis without ever decrypting the data to preserve the privacy. Homomorphic encryption technique is a promising candidate for secure data outsourcing but it is a very challenging task to support real-world machine learning tasks. Existing frameworks can only handle simplified cases with low-degree polynomials such as linear means classifier and linear discriminative analysis. The goal of this study is to provide a practical support to the mainstream learning models (eg logistic regression). We adapted a novel homomorphic encryption scheme optimized for real numbers computation. We devised (1) the least squares approximation of the logistic function for accuracy and efficiency (ie reduce computation cost) and (2) new packing and parallelization techniques. Using real-world datasets, we evaluated the performance of our model and demonstrated its feasibility in speed and memory consumption. For example, it took about 116 minutes to obtain the training model from homomorphically encrypted Edinburgh dataset. In addition, it gives fairly accurate predictions on the testing dataset. We present the first homomorphically encrypted logistic regression outsourcing model based on the critical observation that the precision loss of classification models is sufficiently small so that the decision plan stays still.
Last updated:  2018-01-18
GAZELLE: A Low Latency Framework for Secure Neural Network Inference
Chiraag Juvekar, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Anantha Chandrakasan
The growing popularity of cloud-based machine learning raises a natural question about the privacy guarantees that can be provided in such a setting. Our work tackles this problem in the context where a client wishes to classify private images using a convolutional neural network (CNN) trained by a server. Our goal is to build efficient protocols whereby the client can acquire the classification result without revealing their input to the server, while guaranteeing the privacy of the server's neural network. To this end, we design Gazelle, a scalable and low-latency system for secure neural network inference, using an intricate combination of homomorphic encryption and traditional two-party computation techniques (such as garbled circuits). Gazelle makes three contributions. First, we design the Gazelle homomorphic encryption library which provides fast algorithms for basic homomorphic operations such as SIMD (single instruction multiple data) addition, SIMD multiplication and ciphertext permutation. Second, we implement the Gazelle homomorphic linear algebra kernels which map neural network layers to optimized homomorphic matrix-vector multiplication and convolution routines. Third, we design optimized encryption switching protocols which seamlessly convert between homomorphic and garbled circuit encodings to enable implementation of complete neural network inference. We evaluate our protocols on benchmark neural networks trained on the MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets and show that Gazelle outperforms the best existing systems such as MiniONN (ACM CCS 2017) by 20x and Chameleon (Crypto Eprint 2017/1164) by 30x in online runtime. Similarly when compared with fully homomorphic approaches like CryptoNets (ICML 2016) we demonstrate *three orders of magnitude* faster online run-time.
Last updated:  2018-10-18
Template-based Fault Injection Analysis of Block Ciphers
Ashrujit Ghoshal, Sikhar Patranabis, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
We present the first template-based fault injection analysis of FPGA-based block cipher implementations. While template attacks have been a popular form of side-channel analysis in the cryptographic literature, the use of templates in the context of fault attacks has not yet been explored to the best of our knowledge. Our approach involves two phases. The first phase is a profiling phase where we build templates of the fault behavior of a cryptographic device for different secret key segments under different fault injection intensities. This is followed by a matching phase where we match the observed fault behavior of an identical but black-box device with the pre-built templates to retrieve the secret key. We present a generic treatment of our template-based fault attack approach for SPN block ciphers, and illustrate the same with case studies on a Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA-based implementation of AES-128.
Last updated:  2018-09-04
SIFA: Exploiting Ineffective Fault Inductions on Symmetric Cryptography
Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Thomas Korak, Stefan Mangard, Florian Mendel, Robert Primas
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Since the seminal work of Boneh et al., the threat of fault attacks has been widely known and techniques for fault attacks and countermeasures have been studied extensively. The vast majority of the literature on fault attacks focuses on the ability of fault attacks to change an intermediate value to a faulty one, such as differential fault analysis (DFA), collision fault analysis, statistical fault attack (SFA), fault sensitivity analysis, or differential fault intensity analysis (DFIA). The other aspect of faults---that faults can be induced and do not change a value---has been researched far less. In case of symmetric ciphers, ineffective fault attacks (IFA) exploit this aspect. However, IFA relies on the ability of an attacker to reliably induce reproducible deterministic faults like stuck-at faults on parts of small values (e.g., one bit or byte), which is often considered to be impracticable. As a consequence, most countermeasures against fault attacks do not focus on such attacks, but on attacks exploiting changes of intermediate values and usually try to detect such a change (detection-based), or to destroy the exploitable information if a fault happens (infective countermeasures). Such countermeasures implicitly assume that the release of "fault-free" ciphertexts in the presence of a fault-inducing attacker does not reveal any exploitable information. In this work, we show that this assumption is not valid and we present novel fault attacks that work in the presence of detection-based and infective countermeasures. The attacks exploit the fact that intermediate values leading to "fault-free" ciphertexts show a non-uniform distribution, while they should be distributed uniformly. The presented attacks are entirely practical and are demonstrated to work for software implementations of AES and for a hardware co-processor. These practical attacks rely on fault induction by means of clock glitches and hence, are achieved using only low-cost equipment. This is feasible because our attack is very robust under noisy fault induction attempts and does not require the attacker to model or profile the exact fault effect. We target two types of countermeasures as examples: simple time redundancy with comparison and several infective countermeasures. However, our attacks can be applied to a wider range of countermeasures and are not restricted to these two countermeasures.
Last updated:  2018-01-18
A Unified Framework for Trapdoor-Permutation-Based Sequential Aggregate Signatures
Craig Gentry, Adam O'Neill, Leonid Reyzin
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We give a framework for trapdoor-permutation-based sequential aggregate signatures (SAS) that unifies and simplifies prior work and leads to new results. The framework is based on ideal ciphers over large domains, which have recently been shown to be realizable in the random oracle model. The basic idea is to replace the random oracle in the full-domain-hash signature scheme with an ideal cipher. Each signer in sequence applies the ideal cipher, keyed by the message, to the output of the previous signer, and then inverts the trapdoor permutation on the result. We obtain different variants of the scheme by varying additional keying material in the ideal cipher and making different assumptions on the trapdoor permutation. In particular, we obtain the first scheme with lazy verification and signature size independent of the number of signers that does not rely on bilinear pairings. Since existing proofs that ideal ciphers over large domains can be realized in the random oracle model are lossy, our schemes do not currently permit practical instantiation parameters at a reasonable security level, and thus we view our contribution as mainly conceptual. However, we are optimistic tighter proofs will be found, at least in our specific application.
Last updated:  2018-01-18
Reusing Nonces in Schnorr Signatures
Marc Beunardeau, Aisling Connolly, Houda Ferradi, Rémi Géraud, David Naccache, Damien Vergnaud
The provably secure Schnorr signature scheme is popular and efficient. However, each signature requires a fresh modular exponentiation, which is typically a costly operation. As the increased uptake in connected devices revives the interest in resource-constrained signature algorithms, we introduce a variant of Schnorr signatures that mutualises exponentiation efforts. Combined with precomputation techniques (which would not yield as interesting results for the original Schnorr algorithm), we can amortise the cost of exponentiation over several signatures: these signatures share the same nonce. Sharing a nonce is a deadly blow to Schnorr signatures, but is not a security concern for our variant. Our Scheme is provably secure, asymptotically-faster than Schnorr when combined with efficient precomputation techniques, and experimentally $2$ to $6$ times faster than Schnorr for the same number of signatures when using 1\,MB of static storage.
Last updated:  2018-05-20
Simple Schnorr Multi-Signatures with Applications to Bitcoin
Gregory Maxwell, Andrew Poelstra, Yannick Seurin, Pieter Wuille
We describe a new Schnorr-based multi-signature scheme (i.e., a protocol which allows a group of signers to produce a short, joint signature on a common message) called MuSig, provably secure in the plain public-key model (meaning that signers are only required to have a public key, but do not have to prove knowledge of the private key corresponding to their public key to some certification authority or to other signers before engaging the protocol), which improves over the state-of-art scheme of Bellare and Neven (ACM-CCS 2006) and its variants by Bagherzandi et al. (ACM-CCS 2008) and Ma et al. (Des. Codes Cryptogr., 2010) in two respects: (i) it is simple and efficient, having the same key and signature size as standard Schnorr signatures; (ii) it allows key aggregation, which informally means that the joint signature can be verified exactly as a standard Schnorr signature with respect to a single ``aggregated'' public key which can be computed from the individual public keys of the signers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first multi-signature scheme provably secure in the plain public-key model which allows key aggregation. As an application, we explain how our new multi-signature scheme could improve both performance and user privacy in Bitcoin.
Last updated:  2018-02-04
Homomorphic Lower Digits Removal and Improved FHE Bootstrapping
Hao Chen, Kyoohyung Han
Bootstrapping is a crucial operation in Gentry's breakthrough work on fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), where a homomorphic encryption scheme evaluates its own decryption algorithm. There has been a couple of implementations of bootstrapping, among which HElib arguably marks the state-of-the-art in terms of throughput, ciphertext/message size ratio and support for large plaintext moduli. In this work, we apply a family of "lowest digit removal" polynomials to improve homomorphic digit extraction algorithm which is crucial part in bootstrapping for both FV and BGV schemes. If the secret key has 1-norm $h=l_1(s)$ and the plaintext modulus is $t = p^r$, we achieved bootstrapping depth $\log h + \log( \log_p(ht))$ in FV scheme. In case of the BGV scheme, we bring down the depth from $\log h + 2 \log t$ to $\log h + \log t$. We implemented bootstrapping for FV in the SEAL library. Besides the regular mode, we introduce another "slim mode'", which restrict the plaintexts to batched vectors in $\mathbb{Z}_{p^r}$. The slim mode has similar throughput as the regular mode, while each individual run is much faster and uses much smaller memory. For example, bootstrapping takes $6.75$ seconds for 7 bit plaintext space with 64 slots and $1381$ seconds for $GF(257^{128})$ plaintext space with 128 slots. We also implemented our improved digit extraction procedure for the BGV scheme in HElib.
Last updated:  2018-01-18
Tweaking Generic OTR to Avoid Forgery Attacks
Hassan Qahur Al Mahri, Leonie Simpson, Harry Bartlett, Ed Dawson, Kenneth Koon-Ho Wong
This paper considers the security of the Offset Two-Round (OTR) authenticated encryption mode \cite{cryptoeprint:2013:628} with respect to forgery attacks. The current version of OTR gives a security proof for specific choices of the block size $(n)$ and the primitive polynomial used to construct the finite field $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$. Although the OTR construction is generic, the security proof is not. For every choice of finite field the distinctness of masking coefficients must be verified to ensure security. In this paper, we show that some primitive polynomials result in collisions among the masking coefficients used in the current instantiation, from which forgeries can be constructed. We propose a new way to instantiate OTR so that the masking coefficients are distinct in every finite field $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$, thus generalising OTR without reducing the security of OTR.
Last updated:  2019-03-16
Non-Locality in Interactive Proofs
Claude Crépeau, Nan Yang
In multi-prover interactive proofs (MIPs), the verifier is usually non-adaptive. This stems from an implicit problem which we call ``contamination'' by the verifier. We make explicit the verifier contamination problem, and identify a solution by constructing a generalization of the MIP model. This new model quantifies non-locality as a new dimension in the characterization of MIPs. A new property of zero-knowledge emerges naturally as a result by also quantifying the non-locality of the simulator.
Last updated:  2018-01-18
Systematization Of A 256-Bit Lightweight Block Cipher Marvin
Sukanya Saha, Krishnendu Rarhi, Abhishek Bhattacharya
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In a world heavily loaded by information, there is a great need for keeping specific information secure from adversaries. The rapid growth in the research field of lightweight cryptography can be seen from the list of the number of lightweight stream as well as block ciphers that has been proposed in the recent years. This paper focuses only on the subject of lightweight block ciphers. In this paper, we have proposed a new 256 bit lightweight block cipher named as Marvin, that belongs to the family of Extended LS designs.
Last updated:  2018-01-27
The Viability of Post-quantum X.509 Certificates
Panos Kampanakis, Peter Panburana, Ellie Daw, Daniel Van Geest
If quantum computers were built, they would pose concerns for public key cryptography as we know it. Among other cryptographic techniques, they would jeopardize the use of PKI X.509 certificates (RSA, ECDSA) used today for authentication. To overcome the concern, new quantum secure signature schemes have been proposed in the literature. Most of these schemes have significantly larger public key and signature sizes than the ones used today. Even though post-quantum signatures could work well for some usecases like software signing, there are concerns about the effect their size and processing cost would have on technologies using X.509 certificates. In this work, we investigate the viability of post-quantum signatures in X.509 certificates and protocols that use them (e.g. TLS, IKEv2). We prove that, in spite of common concerns, they could work in today's protocols and could be a viable solution to the emergence of quantum computing. We also quantify the overhead they introduce in protocol connection establishment and show that even though it is significant, it is not detrimental. Finally, we formalize the areas of further testing necessary to conclusively establish that the signature schemes standardized in NIST's PQ Project can work with X.509 certs in a post-quantum Internet.
Last updated:  2018-01-18
Countermeasures against a side-channel attack in a kernel memory
Na-Young Ahn, Dong Hoon Lee
We proposed a zero-contention in cache lines a cache policy between REE and TEE to prevent from TruSpy attacks in a kernel memory of an embedded system. We suggested that delay time of data path of REE is equal or similar to that of data path of TEE to prevent timing side-channel attacks.
Last updated:  2018-02-13
Full-Hiding (Unbounded) Multi-Input Inner Product Functional Encryption from the $k$-Linear Assumption
Pratish Datta, Tatsuaki Okamoto, Junichi Tomida
This paper presents two non-generic and practically efficient private key multi-input functional encryption (MIFE) schemes for the multi-input version of the inner product functionality that are the first to achieve simultaneous message and function privacy, namely, the full-hiding security for a non-trivial multi-input functionality under well-studied cryptographic assumptions. Our MIFE schemes are built in bilinear groups of prime order, and their security is based on the standard $k$-Linear ($k$-LIN) assumption (along with the existence of semantically secure symmetric key encryption and pseudorandom functions). Our constructions support polynomial number of encryption slots (inputs) without incurring any super-polynomial loss in the security reduction. While the number of encryption slots in our first scheme is apriori bounded, our second scheme can withstand an arbitrary number of encryption slots. Prior to our work, there was no known MIFE scheme for a non-trivial functionality, even without function privacy, that can support an unbounded number of encryption slots without relying on any heavy-duty building block or little-understood cryptographic assumption.
Last updated:  2018-01-16
A Simple Reduction from State Machine Replication to Binary Agreement in Partially Synchronous or Asynchronous Networks
Abhinav Aggarwal, Yue Guo
The recent advent of blockchains has spurred a huge interest in the research and development of numerous cryptocurrencies as well as understanding the fundamental concepts that underly this technology. At the heart of this design is the classic state machine replication protocol in which a group of n machines (out of which f are Byzantine) want to agree on an ever-growing log of transactions. In this paper, we present a simple black box reduction from state machine replication (SMR) to the classical binary agreement (BA) protocol on top of a fully decentralized network. We consider both synchronous and partially synchronous/asynchronous settings for our reduction. We also present an algorithm for a reduction from BA to SMR, thus establishing an equivalence between the two. In each of these settings, we analyze our algorithms with respect to the required security properties. Although there is prior work that establishes these reductions, our solutions are simpler (at the cost of efficiency) and useful from a pedagogical point of view.
Last updated:  2018-01-16
New Insights into Divide-and-Conquer Attacks on the Round-Reduced Keccak-MAC
Chen-Dong Ye, Tian Tian
Keccak is the final winner of SHA-3 competition and it can be used as message authentic codes as well. The basic and balanced divide-and-conquer attacks on Keccak-MAC were proposed by Dinur et al. at Eurocrypt 2015. The idea of cube attacks is used in the two attacks to divide key bits into small portions. In this paper, by carefully analysing the mappings used in Keccak-MAC, it is found that some cube variables could divide key bits into smaller portions and so better divide-and-conquer attacks are obtained. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the resistance of Keccak-MAC against divide-and-conquer attacks based on cubes, we theoretically analyse the lower bounds of the complexities of divide-and-conquer attacks. It is shown that the lower bounds of the complexities are still not better than those of the conditional cube tester proposed by Senyang Huang et al.. This indicates that Keccak-MAC can resist the divide-and-conquer attack better than the conditional cube tester. We hope that these techniques still could provide some new insights on the future cryptanalysis of Keccak.
Last updated:  2021-03-23
Leakage-resilient Algebraic Manipulation Detection Codes with Optimal Parameters
Divesh Aggarwal, Tomasz Kazana, Maciej Obremski
Algebraic Manipulation Detection (AMD) codes [CDF+08] are keyless message authentication codes that protect messages against additive tampering by the adversary assuming that the adversary cannot "see" the codeword. For certain applications, it is unreasonable to assume that the adversary computes the added offset without any knowledge of the codeword c. Recently, Ahmadi and Safavi-Naini [AS13], and then Lin, Safavi-Naini, and Wang [LSW16] gave a construction of leakage-resilient AMD codes where the adversary has some partial information about the codeword before choosing added offset, and the scheme is secure even conditioned on this partial information. In this paper we show the bounds on the leakage rate r and the code rate k for leakage-resilient AMD codes. In particular we prove that 2r + k < 1 and for the weak case (security is averaged over a uniformly random message) r + k < 1. These bounds hold even if adversary is polynomial-time bounded, as long as we allow leakage function to be arbitrary. We present the constructions of AMD codes that (asymptotically) fulfill above bounds for almost full range of parameters r and k. This shows that above bounds and constructions are in-fact optimal. In the last section we show that if a leakage function is computationally bounded (we use Ideal Cipher Model) then it is possible to break these bounds.
Last updated:  2019-10-03
Efficient Noninteractive Certification of RSA Moduli and Beyond
Sharon Goldberg, Leonid Reyzin, Omar Sagga, Foteini Baldimtsi
In many applications, it is important to verify that an RSA public key $(N,e)$ specifies a permutation over the entire space $Z_N$, in order to prevent attacks due to adversarially-generated public keys. We design and implement a simple and efficient noninteractive zero-knowledge protocol (in the random oracle model) for this task. Applications concerned about adversarial key generation can just append our proof to the RSA public key without any other modifications to existing code or cryptographic libraries. Users need only perform a one-time verification of the proof to ensure that raising to the power $e$ is a permutation of the integers modulo $N$. For typical parameter settings, the proof consists of nine integers modulo $N$; generating the proof and verifying it both require about nine modular exponentiations. We extend our results beyond RSA keys and also provide efficient noninteractive zero-knowledge proofs for other properties of $N$, which can be used to certify that $N$ is suitable for the Paillier cryptosystem, is a product of two primes, or is a Blum integer. As compared to the recent work of Auerbach and Poettering (PKC 2018), who provide two-message protocols for similar languages, our protocols are more efficient and do not require interaction, which enables a broader class of applications.
Last updated:  2018-07-01
SETLA: Signature and Encryption from Lattices
François Gérard, Keno Merckx
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In data security, the main objectives one tries to achieve are privacy, data integrity and authentication. In a public-key setting, privacy is reached through asymmetric encryption and both data integrity and authentication through signature. Meeting all the security objectives for data exchange requires to use a concatenation of those primitives in an encrypt-then-sign or sign-then-encrypt fashion. Signcryption aims at providing all the security requirements in one single primitive at a lower cost than using encryption and signature together. Most existing signcryption schemes are using ElGamal-based or pairing-based techniques and thus rely on the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. With the current growth of a quantum threat, we seek for post-quantum counterparts to a vast majority of public-key primitives. In this work, we propose a lattice-based signcryption scheme in the random oracle model inspired from a construction of Malone-Lee. It comes in two flavors, one integrating the usual lattice-based key exchange into the signature and the other merging the scheme with a RLWE encryption. Our instantiation is based on a ring version of the scheme of Bai and Galbraith as was done in ring-TESLA and TESLA$\sharp$. It targets 128 bits of classical security and offers a save in bandwidth over a naive concatenation of state-of-the-art key exchanges and signatures from the literature. Another lightweight instantiation derived from GLP is feasible but raises long-term security concerns since the base scheme is somewhat outdated.
Last updated:  2018-01-16
High-Resolution EM Attacks Against Leakage-Resilient PRFs Explained - And An Improved Construction
Florian Unterstein, Johann Heyszl, Fabrizio De Santis, Robert Specht, Georg Sigl
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Achieving side-channel resistance through Leakage Resilience (LR) is highly relevant for embedded devices where requirements of other countermeasures such as e.g. high quality random numbers are hard to guarantee. The main challenge of LR lays in the initialization of a secret pseudorandom state from a long-term key and public input. Leakage-Resilient Pseudo-Random Functions (LR-PRFs) aim at solving this by bounding side-channel leakage to non-exploitable levels through frequent re-keying. Medwed et al. recently presented an improved construction at ASIACRYPT 2016 which uses 'unknown-inputs' in addition to limited data complexity and correlated algorithmic noise from parallel S-boxes. However, a subsequent investigation uncovered a vulnerability to high-precision EM analysis on FPGA. In this paper, we follow up on the reasons why such attacks succeed on FPGAs. We find that in addition to the high spatial resolution, it is mainly the high temporal resolution which leads to the reduction of algorithmic noise from parallel S-boxes. While spatial resolution is less threatening for smaller technologies than the used FPGA, temporal resolution will likely remain an issue since balancing the timing behavior of signals in the nanosecond range seems infeasible today. Nonetheless, we present an improvement of the ASIACRYPT 2016 construction to effectively protect against EM attacks with such high spatial and high temporal resolution. We carefully introduce additional key entropy into the LR-PRF construction to achieve a high remaining security level even when implemented on FPGAs. With this improvement, we finally achieve side-channel secure LR-PRFs in a practical and simple way under verifiable empirical assumptions.
Last updated:  2018-08-20
More Efficient (Almost) Tightly Secure Structure-Preserving Signatures
Romain Gay, Dennis Hofheinz, Lisa Kohl, Jiaxin Pan
We provide a structure-preserving signature (SPS) scheme with an (almost) tight security reduction to a standard assumption. Compared to the state-of-the-art tightly secure SPS scheme of Abe et al. (CRYPTO 2017), our scheme has smaller signatures and public keys (of about \(56\%\), resp. \(40\%\) of the size of signatures and public keys in Abe et al.'s scheme), and a lower security loss (of \(O(\log Q)\) instead of \(O(\lambda)\), where \(\lambda\) is the security parameter, and \(Q=poly(\lambda)\) is the number of adversarial signature queries). While our scheme is still less compact than structure-preserving signature schemes \emph{without} tight security reduction, it significantly lowers the price to pay for a tight security reduction. In fact, when accounting for a non-tight security reduction with larger key (i.e., group) sizes, the computational efficiency of our scheme becomes at least comparable to that of non-tightly secure SPS schemes. Technically, we combine and refine recent existing works on tightly secure encryption and SPS schemes. Our technical novelties include a modular treatment (that develops an SPS scheme out of a basic message authentication code), and a refined hybrid argument that enables a lower security loss of \(O(\log Q)\) (instead of \(O(\lambda)\)).
Last updated:  2020-06-04
Study of Deep Learning Techniques for Side-Channel Analysis and Introduction to ASCAD Database
Emmanuel Prouff, Remi Strullu, Ryad Benadjila, Eleonora Cagli, Cecile Dumas
To provide insurance on the resistance of a system against side-channel analysis, several national or private schemes are today promoting an evaluation strategy, common in classical cryptography, which is focussing on the most powerful adversary who may train to learn about the dependency between the device behaviour and the sensitive data values. Several works have shown that this kind of analysis, known as Template Attacks in the side-channel domain, can be rephrased as a classical Machine Learning classification problem with learning phase. Following the current trend in the latter area, recent works have demonstrated that deep learning algorithms were very efficient to conduct security evaluations of embedded systems and had many advantage compared to the other methods. Unfortunately, their hyper-parametrization has often been kept secret by the authors who only discussed on the main design principles and on the attack efficiencies. This is clearly an important limitation of previous works since (1) the latter parametrization is known to be a challenging question in Machine Learning and (2) it does not allow for the reproducibility of the presented results. This paper aims to address theses limitations in several ways. First, completing recent works, we propose a comprehensive study of deep learning algorithms when applied in the context of side-channel analysis and we clarify the links with the classical template attacks. Secondly, we address the question of the choice of the hyper-parameters for the class of multi-layer perceptron networks and convolutional neural networks. Several benchmarks and rationales are given in the context of the analysis of a masked implementation of the AES algorithm. To enable perfect reproducibility of our tests, this work also introduces an open platform including all the sources of the target implementation together with the campaign of electro-magnetic measurements exploited in our benchmarks. This open database, named ASCAD, has been specified to serve as a common basis for further works on this subject. Our work confirms the conclusions made by Cagli et al. at CHES 2017 about the high potential of convolutional neural networks. Interestingly, it shows that the approach followed to design the algorithm VGG-16 used for image recognition seems also to be sound when it comes to fix an architecture for side-channel analysis.
Last updated:  2018-01-15
Optimizing Trees for Static Searchable Encryption
Mohammad Etemad, Mohammad Mahmoody, David Evans
Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) enables data owners to conduct searches over encrypted data stored by an untrusted server, retrieving only those encrypted files that match the search queries. Several recent schemes employ a server-side encrypted index in the form of a search tree where each node stores a bit vector denoting for each keyword whether any file in its subtree contains that keyword. Our work is motivated by the observation that the way data is distributed in such a search tree has a big impact on the cost of searches. For single-keyword queries, it impacts the number of different paths that must be followed to find all the matching files; for multi-keyword queries, the arrangement of the tree also impacts the number of nodes visited during the search on paths that do not lead to any satisfying data elements. We present three algorithms that improve the performance of SSE schemes based on tree indexes and prove that for cases where the search cost is high, the cost of our algorithms converges to the cost of the optimal tree. In our experiments, the resulting search trees outperform the arbitrary search trees used in previous works by a factor of up to two
Last updated:  2019-02-23
Semantic Security Invariance under Variant Computational Assumptions
Eftychios Theodorakis, John C. Mitchell
A game-based cryptographic proof is a relation that establishes equivalence between probabilistic sequences of actions by real and ideal world players. The author of a proof selects a hardness assumption system for their proof upon which to base their subsequent statements. In this paper, we prove the existence of proof-invariant transformations for varying hardness assumptions. We show that for two systems satisfying certain algebraic properties any proof in one system has an equivalent valid proof in the other. This validates Kurosawa’s remark about the existence of proof similarities. Our result implies a correspondence between the Learning With Errors (LWE) problems and both the Elliptic Curve Discrete Log problem (ECDLP) and the Discrete Logarithm (DLOG) problem. To illustrate this result, we provide a series of example transformations in the appendix. The concrete result of this paper is a prototype proof translation tool.
Last updated:  2018-11-29
A Constructive Perspective on Signcryption Security
Christian Badertscher, Fabio Banfi, Ueli Maurer
Signcryption is a public-key cryptographic primitive, originally introduced by Zheng (Crypto '97), that allows parties to establish secure communication without the need of prior key agreement. Instead, a party registers its public key at a certificate authority (CA), and only needs to retrieve the public key of the intended partner from the CA before being able to protect the communication. Signcryption schemes provide both authenticity and confidentiality of sent messages and can offer a simpler interface to applications and better performance compared to generic compositions of signature and encryption schemes. Although introduced two decades ago, the question which security notions of signcryption are adequate in which applications has still not reached a fully satisfactory answer. To resolve this question, we conduct a constructive analysis of this public-key primitive. Similar to previous constructive studies for other important primitives, this treatment allows to identify the natural goal that signcryption schemes should achieve and to formalize this goal in a composable framework. More specifically, we capture the goal of signcryption as a gracefully-degrading secure network, which is basically a network of independent parties that allows secure communication between any two parties. However, when a party is compromised, its respective security guarantees are lost, while all guarantees for the remaining users remain unaffected. We show which security notions for signcryption are sufficient to construct this kind of secure network from a certificate authority (or key registration resource) and insecure communication. Our study does not only unveil that it is the so-called insider-security notion that enables this construction, but also that a weaker version thereof would already be sufficient. This may be of interest in the context of practical signcryption schemes that do not achieve the stronger notions. Last but not least, we observe that the graceful-degradation property is actually an essential feature of signcryption that stands out in comparison to alternative and more standard constructions that achieve secure communication from the same assumptions. This underlines the vital importance of the insider security notion for signcryption and strongly supports, in contrast to the initial belief, the recent trend to consider the insider security notion as the standard notion for signcryption.
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