Paper 2013/585

On Algebraic Immunity of Trace Inverse Functions over Finite Fields with Characteristic Two

Xiutao Feng and Guang Gong


The trace inverse function \Tr(λx1) over the finite field F2n is a class of very important Boolean functions and has be used in many stream ciphers, for example, SFINKS, RAKAPOSHI, the simple counter stream cipher presented by W. Si and C.S. Ding, etc. In order to evaluate the security of those algorithms in assistance to (fast) algebraic attacks, it is essential to algebraic properties of \Tr(λx1). However, currently only some bounds on algebraic immunity of \Tr(λx1) are given in public literature. In this work we give the exact value of \Tr(λx1) over finite fields F2n, that is, \AI(\Tr(λx1))=\floorn+\ceiln\floorn2=\ceil2n2, where n2, λF2n and λ0, which is just the upper bound given by Y. Nawaz et al. And at the same time our result shows that D.K. Dalai' conjecture on the algebraic immunity of \Tr(λx1) is correct. What is more, we further demonstrate some weak properties of in resistance to fast algebraic attacks.

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Preprint. MINOR revision.
boolean functionsalgebraic immunity
Contact author(s)
fengxt @ amss ac cn
2014-10-10: revised
2013-09-14: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Xiutao Feng and Guang Gong},
      title = {On Algebraic Immunity of Trace Inverse Functions over Finite Fields with Characteristic Two},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2013/585},
      year = {2013},
      url = {}
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