Paper 2010/131

Multi-property-preserving Domain Extension Using Polynomial-based Modes of Operation

Jooyoung Lee and John Steinberger


In this paper, we propose a new double-piped mode of operation for multi-property-preserving domain extension of MACs~(message authentication codes), PRFs~(pseudorandom functions) and PROs~(pseudorandom oracles). Our mode of operation performs twice as fast as the original double-piped mode of operation of Lucks while providing comparable security. Our construction, which uses a class of polynomial-based compression functions proposed by Stam, makes a single call to a 3n-bit to n-bit primitive at each iteration and uses a finalization function f2 at the last iteration, producing an n-bit hash function H[f1,f2] satisfying the following properties. \begin{enumerate} \item is unforgeable up to query complexity as long as and are unforgeable. \item is pseudorandom up to query complexity as long as is unforgeable and is pseudorandom. \item is indifferentiable from a random oracle up to query complexity as long as and are public random functions. \end{enumerate} To our knowledge, our result constitutes the first time unforgeability has been achieved using only an unforgeable primitive of -bit output length. (Yasuda showed unforgeability of for Lucks' construction assuming an unforgeable primitive, but the analysis is sub-optimal; in this paper, we show how Yasuda's bound can be improved to .) In related work, we strengthen Stam's collision resistance analysis of polynomial-based compression functions (showing that unforgeability of the primitive suffices) and discuss how to implement our mode by replacing with a -bit key blockcipher in Davies-Meyer mode or by replacing with the cascade of two -bit to -bit compression functions.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Published elsewhere. An extended abstract of this work was accepted for publication in Eurocrypt 2010.
hash functionsmessage authentication codes
Contact author(s)
jlee05 @ ensec re kr
2010-03-11: revised
2010-03-09: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Jooyoung Lee and John Steinberger},
      title = {Multi-property-preserving Domain Extension Using Polynomial-based Modes of Operation},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2010/131},
      year = {2010},
      url = {}
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