All papers in 2012 (Page 8 of 733 results)

Last updated:  2012-08-27
Higher Order Algebraic Attacks on Stream Ciphers
Qichun Wang, Thomas Johansson
Last updated:  2012-01-17
Malleable Proof Systems and Applications
Melissa Chase, Markulf Kohlweiss, Anna Lysyanskaya, Sarah Meiklejohn
Malleability for cryptography is not necessarily an opportunity for attack, but in many cases a potentially useful feature that can be exploited. In this work, we examine notions of malleability for non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs. We start by defining a malleable proof system, and then consider ways to meaningfully control the malleability of the proof system, as in many settings we would like to guarantee that only certain types of transformations can be performed. We also define notions for the cases in which we do not necessarily want a user to know that a proof has been obtained by applying a particular transformation; these are analogous to function/circuit privacy for encryption. As our motivating application, we consider a shorter proof for verifiable shuffles. Our controlled-malleable proofs allow us for the first time to use one compact proof to prove the correctness of an entire multi-step shuffle. Each authority takes as input a set of encrypted votes and a controlled-malleable NIZK proof that these are a shuffle of the original encrypted votes submitted by the voters; it then permutes and re-randomizes these votes and updates the proof by exploiting its controlled malleability. As another application, we generically use controlled-malleable proofs to realize a strong notion of encryption security. Finally, we examine malleability in existing proof systems and observe that Groth-Sahai proofs are malleable. We then go beyond this observation by characterizing all the ways in which they are malleable, and use them to efficiently instantiate our generic constructions from above; this means we can instantiate our proofs and all their applications using only the Decision Linear (DLIN) assumption.
Last updated:  2012-01-10
Biclique Attack of the Full ARIA-256
Shao-zhen Chen Tian-min Xu
In this paper, combining the biclique cryptanalysis with the MITM attack, we present the first key recovery method for the full ARIA-256 faster than brute-force. The attack requires $2^{80}$ chosen plaintexts, and the time complexity is about $2^{255.2}$ full-round ARIA encryptions in the processing phase.
Last updated:  2012-01-10
PayTree: "Amortized Signature" for Flexible Micro-Payments
Charanjit Jutla, Moti Yung
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We present the idea of PayTree, a method to amortize the work of a single signature production and verification among numerous micropayments made from a payer to a set of merchants (under various trust assumptions regarding these merchants). The PayTree scheme is simple yet flexible, can support arbitrary number of payees while using a single signature (unlike PayWord); it is easily extendible dynamically (without the use of further signatures) and has a reasonable computational penalty. It can be viewed as a ``divisible coin'' mechanism as well.
Last updated:  2012-01-07
On the Indifferentiability of the Integrated-Key Hash Functions
Saif Al-Kuwari
Most of today's popular hash functions are keyless such that they accept variable-length messages and return fixed-length fingerprints. However, recent separation results reported on several serious inherent weaknesses in these functions, motivating the design of hash functions in the keyed setting. The challenge in this case, however, is that on one hand, it is economically undesirable to abundant the already adopted (keyless) functions in favour of new (keyed) ones, and on the other hand, the process of converting a keyless function to a keyed one is, evidently, non-trivial. A solution to this dilemma is to adopt the "integrated-key" approach that creates keyed hash functions out of "unmodified" keyless primitives. In this paper, we adopt several integrated-key constructions and prove that they are indifferentiable from random oracle, showing in details how to develop indifferentiability proofs at the integrated-key setting. The presented indifferentiability proof is generic and can be applied on other hash functions constructed in this setting with sufficiently similar structures to the constructions in this paper.
Last updated:  2012-01-07
Security proof with dishonest keys
Hubert Comon-Lundh, Véronique Cortier, Guillaume Scerri
Symbolic and computational models are the two families of models for rigorously analysing security protocols. Symbolic models are abstract but offer a high level of automation while computational models are more precise but security proof can be tedious. Since the seminal work of Abadi and Rogaway, a new direction of research aims at reconciling the two views and many soundness results establish that symbolic models are actually sound w.r.t. computational models. This is however not true for the prominent case of encryption. Indeed, all existing soundness results assume that the adversary only uses honestly generated keys. While this assumption is acceptable in the case of asymmetric encryption, it is clearly unrealistic for symmetric encryption. In this paper, we provide with several examples of attacks that do not show-up in the classical Dolev-Yao model, and that do not break the IND-CPA nor INT-CTXT properties of the encryption scheme. Our main contribution is to show the first soundness result for symmetric encryption and arbitrary adversaries. We consider arbitrary indistinguishability properties and an unbounded number of sessions. This result relies on an extension of the symbolic model, while keeping standard security assumptions: IND-CPA and IND-CTXT for the encryption scheme.
Last updated:  2012-01-08
Optimal Multiple Assignments with (m,m)-Scheme for General Access Structures
Qiang Li, Xiangxue Li, Dong Zheng, Kefei Chen
Given the number n of the participants, one can solve an integer programming on 2^n variables to construct an optimal multiple assignment with threshold schemes for general access structure. In this paper, we focus on finding optimal multiple assignments with (m,m)-schemes. We prove that most of the variables in the corresponding integer programming take the value of 0, while the remaining variables take the values of either 0 or 1. We also show that given a complete access structure, an optimal scheme may be obtaineddirectly from the scheme by Ito, Saito, and Nishizeki (Secret sharing scheme realizeing any access structure, in Globecom 1987).
Last updated:  2012-05-16
Detecting Dangerous Queries: A New Approach for Chosen Ciphertext Security
Susan Hohenberger, Allison Lewko, Brent Waters
We present a new approach for creating chosen ciphertext secure encryption. The focal point of our work is a new abstraction that we call "Detectable Chosen Ciphertext Security" (DCCA). Intuitively, this notion is meant to capture systems that are not necessarily chosen ciphertext attack (CCA) secure, but where we can detect whether a certain query CT can be useful for decrypting (or distinguishing) a challenge ciphertext CT*. We show how to build chosen ciphertext secure systems from DCCA security. We motivate our techniques by describing multiple examples of DCCA systems including creating them from 1-bit CCA secure encryption --- capturing the recent Myers-shelat result (FOCS 2009). Our work identifies DCCA as a new target for building CCA secure systems.
Last updated:  2014-01-07
A Unified Approach to Deterministic Encryption: New Constructions and a Connection to Computational Entropy
Benjamin Fuller, Adam O'Neill, Leonid Reyzin
This paper addresses deterministic public-key encryption schemes (DE), which are designed to provide meaningful security when only source of randomness in the encryption process comes from the message itself. We propose a general construction of DE that unifies prior work and gives novel schemes. Specifically, its instantiations include: -The first construction from any trapdoor function that has sufficiently many hardcore bits. -The first construction that provides "bounded" multi-message security (assuming lossy trapdoor functions). The security proofs for these schemes are enabled by three tools that are of broader interest: - A weaker and more precise sufficient condition for semantic security on a high-entropy message distribution. Namely, we show that to establish semantic security on a distribution M of messages, it suffices to establish indistinguishability for all conditional distribution M|E, where E is an event of probability at least 1/4. (Prior work required indistinguishability on all distributions of a given entropy.) - A result about computational entropy of conditional distributions. Namely, we show that conditioning on an event E of probability p reduces the quality of computational entropy by a factor of p and its quantity by log_2 1/p. - A generalization of leftover hash lemma to correlated distributions. We also extend our result about computational entropy to the average case, which is useful in reasoning about leakage-resilient cryptography: leaking \lambda bits of information reduces the quality of computational entropy by a factor of 2^\lambda and its quantity by \lambda.
Last updated:  2012-02-20
The new SHA-3 software shootout
Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange
This paper introduces a new graphing mechanism to allow easy comparison of software performance of the SHA-3 candidates. The new mechanism concisely captures a large amount of performance data without oversimplifying the data. We have integrated this graphing mechanism into our eBASH (ECRYPT Benchmarking of All Submitted Hashes) project. New graphs are automatically posted at the top of whenever the eBASH performance results are updated. This paper includes snapshots of these graphs, but readers are advised to check the web page for the latest updates.See for more information regarding eBASH.
Last updated:  2012-01-05
On the distinctness of binary sequences derived from primitive sequences modulo square-free odd integers
Qun-Xiong Zheng, Wen-Feng Qi, Tian Tian
Let M be a square-free odd integer and Z/(M) the integer residue ring modulo M. This paper studies the distinctness of primitive sequences over Z/(M) modulo 2. Recently, for the case of M = pq, a product of two distinct prime numbers p and q, the problem has been almost completely solved. As for the case that M is a product of more prime numbers, the problem has been quite resistant to proof. In this paper, a partial proof is given by showing that a class of primitive sequences of order 2k+1 over Z/(M) is distinct modulo 2. Besides as an independent interest, the paper also involves two distribution properties of primitive sequences over Z/(M), which related closely to our main results.
Last updated:  2012-01-02
Daniel J. Bernstein, Hsieh-Chung Chen, Chen-Mou Cheng, Tanja Lange, Ruben Niederhagen, Peter Schwabe, Bo-Yin Yang
A major cryptanalytic computation is currently underway on multiple platforms, including standard CPUs, FPGAs, PlayStations and GPUs, to break the Certicom ECC2K-130 challenge. This challenge is to compute an elliptic-curve discrete logarithm on a Koblitz curve over F_2^131 . Optimizations have reduced the cost of the computation to approximately 2^77 bit operations in 2^61 iterations. GPUs are not designed for fast binary-field arithmetic; they are designed for highly vectorizable floating-point computations that fit into very small amounts of static RAM. This paper explains how to optimize the ECC2K-130 computation for this unusual platform. The resulting GPU software performs more than 63 million iterations per second, including 320 million F_2^131 multiplications per second, on a $500 NVIDIA GTX 295 graphics card. The same techniques for finite-field arithmetic and elliptic-curve arithmetic can be reused in implementations of larger systems that are secure against similar attacks, making GPUs an interesting option as coprocessors when a busy Internet server has many elliptic-curve operations to perform in parallel.
Last updated:  2012-01-02
Digital Signatures from Challenge-Divided Sigma-Protocols
Andrew C. Yao, Yunlei Zhao
Digital signature is one of the basic primitives in cryptography. A common paradigm of obtaining signatures, known as the Fiat-Shamir (FS) paradigm, is to collapse any Σ-protocol (which is 3-round public-coin honest-verifier zero-knowledge) into a non-interactive scheme with hash functions that are modeled to be random oracles (RO). The Digital Signature Standard (DSS) and Schnorr’s signature schemes are two salient examples following the FS-paradigm. In this work, we present a modified Fiat-Shamir paradigm, named challenge-divided Fiat-Shamir paradigm, which is applicable to a variant of Σ-protocol with divided random challenges. This new paradigm yields a new family of (online/offline efficient) digital signatures from challenge-divided Σ-protocols, including in particular a variant of Schnorr’s signature scheme called challenge-divided Schnorr signature. We then present a formal analysis of the challenge-divided Schnorr signature in the random oracle model. Finally, we give comparisons between the challenge-divided Schnorr signature and DSS and Schnorr’s signature, showing that the newly developed challenge-divided Schnorr signature can enjoy better (online/offline) efficiency (besides provable security in the random oracle model). Of independent interest is a new forking lemma, referred to as divided forking lemma, for dealing with multiple ordered rewinding points in the RO model, which is of independent interest and can be applied to analyzing other cryptographic schemes in the RO model.
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