Paper 2023/1220

Securing Lattice-Based KEMs with Code-Based Masking: A Theoretical Approach

Pierre-Augustin Berthet, Télécom Paris, Hensoldt SAS France
Yoan Rougeolle, Hensoldt SAS France
Cédric Tavernier, Hensoldt SAS France
Jean-Luc Danger, Télécom Paris
Laurent Sauvage, Télécom Paris

The recent technological advances in Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) raise the questions of robust implementations of new asymmetric cryptographic primitives in today’s technology. This is the case for the lattice-based Module Lattice-Key Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM) algorithm which is proposed by the NIST as the first standard for Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM), taking inspiration from CRYSTALS-Kyber. We have notably to make sure the ML-KEM implementation is resilient against physical attacks like Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) and Fault Injection Attacks (FIA). To reach this goal, we propose to adapt a masking countermeasure, more precisely the generic Direct Sum Masking method (DSM). By taking inspiration of a previous paper on AES, we extend the method to finite fields of characteristic prime other than 2 and even-length codes. We also investigate its application to Keccak, which is the hash-based function used in ML-KEM. We propose masked conversions and use cost-amortization to perform this hash. We provide the first masked implementation of ML-KEM with both SCA and FIA resilience able of correcting errors. Our FIA resilience allows for fault correction even within the multiplicative gadget. Finally, we adapt a polynomial evaluation method to compute masked polynomials with public coefficients over finite fields of characteristic different from 2.

Note: Revision 2: Added Conversion between different code-based maskings and thus new performances comparison

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Publication info
Post-Quantum CryptograpyML-KEMSide Channel AnalysisFault Injection AttackCode Based MaskingConversion
Contact author(s)
berthet @ telecom-paris fr
yoan rougeolle @ hensoldt net
cedric tavernier @ hensoldt net
jean-luc danger @ telecom-paris fr
laurent sauvage @ telecom-paris fr
2024-05-26: last of 2 revisions
2023-08-11: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Pierre-Augustin Berthet and Yoan Rougeolle and Cédric Tavernier and Jean-Luc Danger and Laurent Sauvage},
      title = {Securing Lattice-Based {KEMs} with Code-Based Masking: A Theoretical Approach},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1220},
      year = {2023},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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