Paper 2017/848

Single Key Variant of PMAC_Plus

Nilanjan Datta, Avijit Dutta, Mridul Nandi, Goutam Paul, and Liting Zhang


In CRYPTO 2011, Yasuda proposed PMAC_Plus message authentication code based on an n-bit block cipher. Its design principle inherits the well known PMAC parallel network with a low additional cost. PMAC_Plus is a rate-1 construction like PMAC (i.e., one block cipher call per n-bit message block) but provides security against all adversaries making queries altogether consisting of roughly upto 22n/3 blocks (strings of n-bits). Even though PMAC_Plus gives higher security than the standard birthday bound security, with currently available best bound, it provides weaker security than PMAC for certain choices of adversaries. Moreover, unlike PMAC, PMAC_Plus operates with three independent block cipher keys. In this paper, we propose 1k-PMAC_Plus, the first rate-1 single keyed block cipher based BBB (Beyond Birthday Bound) secure (in standard model) deterministic MAC construction without arbitrary field multiplications. Our construction is a simple one-key variant of PMAC_Plus. Moreover, we show higher security guarantee than what was proved originally for PMAC_Plus. Our proven bound shows that PMAC_Plus and 1k-PMAC_Plus always provide higher security guarantee than what was promised by PMAC against all types of adversaries.

Note: In this paper we have corrected the flaw in the security proof of 1k_PMAC+ as reported in Report 2015/958.

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
PMACPMAC_PlusBeyond BirthdayCover-freePRFSum of PRPs.
Contact author(s)
avirocks dutta13 @ gmail com
2017-09-08: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Nilanjan Datta and Avijit Dutta and Mridul Nandi and Goutam Paul and Liting Zhang},
      title = {Single Key Variant of {PMAC_Plus}},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2017/848},
      year = {2017},
      url = {}
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