Paper 2017/444

CrowdBC: A Blockchain-based Decentralized Framework for Crowdsourcing

Ming Li, Jian Weng, Anjia Yang, Wei Lu, Yue Zhang, Lin Hou, Jia-Nan Liu, Yang Xiang, and Robert H. Deng


Crowdsourcing systems which utilize the human intelligence to solve complex tasks have gained considerable interest and adoption in recent years. However, the majority of existing crowdsourcing systems rely on central servers, which are subject to the weaknesses of traditional trust-based model, such as single point of failure. They are also vulnerable to distributed denial of service (DDoS) and Sybil attacks due to malicious users involvement. In addition, high service fees from the crowdsourcing platform may hinder the development of crowdsourcing. How to address these potential issues has both research and substantial value. In this paper, we conceptualize a blockchain-based decentralized framework for crowdsourcing named CrowdBC, in which a requester’s task can be solved by a crowd of workers without relying on any third trusted institution, users’ privacy can be guaranteed and only low transaction fees are required. In particular, we introduce the architecture of our proposed framework, based on which we give a concrete scheme. We further implement a software prototype on Ethereum public test network with real-world dataset. Experiment results show the feasibility, usability and scalability of our proposed crowdsourcing system.

Note: Some minor issues are addressed.

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Publication info
Decentralized frameworkcrowdsourcingblockchainsmart contract
Contact author(s)
limjnu @ gmail com
2018-07-11: last of 4 revisions
2017-05-23: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Ming Li and Jian Weng and Anjia Yang and Wei Lu and Yue Zhang and Lin Hou and Jia-Nan Liu and Yang Xiang and Robert H.  Deng},
      title = {{CrowdBC}: A Blockchain-based Decentralized Framework for Crowdsourcing},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2017/444},
      year = {2017},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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