Paper 2017/371

On the Construction of Lightweight Orthogonal MDS Matrices

Lijing Zhou, Licheng Wang, and Yiru Sun


In present paper, we investigate 4 problems. Firstly, it is known that, a matrix is MDS if and only if all sub-matrices of this matrix of degree from 1 to n are full rank. In this paper, we propose a theorem that an orthogonal matrix is MDS if and only if all sub-matrices of this orthogonal matrix of degree from 1 to n2 are full rank. With this theorem, calculation of constructing orthogonal MDS matrices is reduced largely. Secondly, Although it has been proven that the circulant orthogonal matrix does not exist over the finite field, we discover that it also does not exist over a bigger set. Thirdly, previous algorithms have to continually change entries of the matrix to construct a lot of candidates. Unfortunately, in these candidates, only very few candidates are orthogonal matrices. With the matrix polynomial residue ring and the minimum polynomials of lightweight element-matrices, we propose an extremely efficient algorithm for constructing circulant orthogonal MDS matrices. In this algorithm, every candidate must be an circulant orthogonal matrix. Finally, we use this algorithm to construct a lot of lightweight results, and some of them are constructed first time.

Note: Modify some typos.

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
MDS matrixXOR countpolynomial residue ringorthogonal matrixcirculant matrix
Contact author(s)
379739494 @ qq com
2017-06-13: last of 2 revisions
2017-04-28: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Lijing Zhou and Licheng Wang and Yiru Sun},
      title = {On the Construction of Lightweight Orthogonal {MDS} Matrices},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2017/371},
      year = {2017},
      url = {}
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