Paper 2017/1243

Augmented Black-Box Simulation and Zero Knowledge Argument for NP

Li Hongda, Pan Dongxue, and Ni Peifang


The standard zero knowledge notion is formalized by requiring that for any probabilistic polynomial-time (PPT) verifier , there is a PPT algorithm (simulator) , such that the outputs of is indistinguishable from real protocol views. The simulator is not permitted to access the verifier 's private state. So the power of is, in fact, inferior to that of . In this paper, a new simulation method, called augmented black-box simulation, is presented by permitting the simulator to have access to the verifier's current private state in a special manner. The augmented black-box simulator only has the same computing power as the verifier although it is given access to the verifier's current private state. Therefore, augmented black-box simulation is a reasonable method to prove zero knowledge property, and brings results that hard to obtain with previous simulation techniques. Zero knowledge property, proved by means of augmented black-box simulation, is called augmented black-box zero-knowledge. We present a 5-round statistical augmented black-box zero-knowledge argument for Exact Cover Problem under the Decision Multilinear No-Exact-Cover Assumption. In addition, we show a 2-round computational augmented black-box zero-knowledge argument protocol for Exact Cover problem under the Decision Multilinear No-Exact-Cover Assumption and the assumption of the existence of hash functions. It is well known that 2-round zero knowledge protocols does not exist under general zero knowledge notion. Besides, following [19], we consider leakage-resilient property of augmented black-box zero knowledge, and prove that the presented statistical zero-knowledge protocol has optimal leakage-resilient property.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
zero-knowledge proofs (arguments)black-box simulationconstant- roundExact-Cover problemleakage-resilient.
Contact author(s)
pandongxue @ iie ac cn
2018-05-04: last of 3 revisions
2017-12-23: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Li Hongda and Pan Dongxue and Ni Peifang},
      title = {Augmented Black-Box Simulation and Zero Knowledge Argument for {NP}},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2017/1243},
      year = {2017},
      url = {}
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