Paper 2016/817

Secure Obfuscation in a Weak Multilinear Map Model

Sanjam Garg, Eric Miles, Pratyay Mukherjee, Amit Sahai, Akshayaram Srinivasan, and Mark Zhandry


All known candidate indistinguishibility obfuscation (iO) schemes rely on candidate multilinear maps. Until recently, the strongest proofs of security available for iO candidates were in a generic model that only allows "honest" use of the multilinear map. Most notably, in this model the zero-test procedure only reveals whether an encoded element is 0, and nothing more. However, this model is inadequate: there have been several attacks on multilinear maps that exploit extra information revealed by the zero-test procedure. In particular, Miles, Sahai and Zhandry [Crypto'16] recently gave a polynomial-time attack on several iO candidates when instantiated with the multilinear maps of Garg, Gentry, and Halevi [Eurocrypt'13], and also proposed a new "weak multilinear map model" that captures all known polynomial-time attacks on GGH13. In this work, we give a new iO candidate which can be seen as a small modification or generalization of the original candidate of Garg, Gentry, Halevi, Raykova, Sahai, and Waters [FOCS'13]. We prove its security in the weak multilinear map model, thus giving the first iO candidate that is provably secure against all known polynomial-time attacks on GGH13. The proof of security relies on a new assumption about the hardness of computing annihilating polynomials, and we show that this assumption is implied by the existence of pseudorandom functions in .

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Publication info
Published by the IACR in TCC 2016
Contact author(s)
sanjamg @ berkeley edu
enmiles @ gmail com
pratyay85 @ berkeley edu
amitsahai @ gmail com
akshayaram @ berkeley edu
mzhandry @ gmail com
2016-08-26: revised
2016-08-26: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Sanjam Garg and Eric Miles and Pratyay Mukherjee and Amit Sahai and Akshayaram Srinivasan and Mark Zhandry},
      title = {Secure Obfuscation in a Weak Multilinear Map Model},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2016/817},
      year = {2016},
      url = {}
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