Paper 2015/906

RoadRunneR: A Small And Fast Bitslice Block Cipher For Low Cost 8-bit Processors

Adnan Baysal and Suhap Sahin


Designing block ciphers targeting resource constrained 8-bit CPUs is a challenging problem. There are many recent lightweight ciphers designed for better performance in hardware. On the other hand, most software efficient lightweight ciphers either lack a security proof or have a low security margin. To fill the gap, we present RoadRunneR which is an efficient block cipher in 8-bit software, and its security is provable against differential and linear attacks. RoadRunneR has lowest code size in Atmel’s ATtiny45, except NSA’s design SPECK, which has no security proof. Moreover, we propose a new metric for the fair comparison of block ciphers. This metric, called ST/A, is the first metric to use key length as a parameter to rank ciphers of different key length in a fair way. By using ST/A and other metrics in the literature, we show that RoadRunneR is competitive among existing ciphers on ATtiny45.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Minor revision. LightSec 2015 Preproceedingss
lightweightcryptographyblock cipherbitslice8-bit CPUWireless Sensor NetworkATtiny45
Contact author(s)
adnan baysal @ tubitak gov tr
2015-09-17: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Adnan Baysal and Suhap Sahin},
      title = {{RoadRunneR}: A Small And Fast Bitslice Block Cipher For Low Cost 8-bit Processors},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2015/906},
      year = {2015},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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