Paper 2015/583

Secure Key Generation from Biased PUFs

Roel Maes, Vincent van der Leest, Erik van der Sluis, and Frans Willems


PUF-based key generators have been widely considered as a root-of-trust in digital systems. They typically require an error-correcting mechanism (e.g. based on the code-offset method) for dealing with bit errors between the enrollment and reconstruction of keys. When the used PUF does not have full entropy, entropy leakage between the helper data and the device-unique key material can occur. If the entropy level of the PUF becomes too low, the PUF-derived key can be attacked through the publicly available helper data. In this work we provide several solutions for preventing this entropy leakage for PUFs suffering from bias. The methods proposed in this work pose no limit on the amount of bias that can be tolerated, which solves an important open problem for PUF-based key generation. Additionally, the solutions are all evaluated based on reliability, efficiency, leakage and reusability showing that depending on requirements for the key generator different solutions are preferable.

Note: A shorter version of this paper was accepted for publication at CHES-2015.

Available format(s)
Publication info
A major revision of an IACR publication in CHES 2015
PUFskey generation
Contact author(s)
roel maes @ intrinsic-id com
2015-06-21: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Roel Maes and Vincent van der Leest and Erik van der Sluis and Frans Willems},
      title = {Secure Key Generation from Biased {PUFs}},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2015/583},
      year = {2015},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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