Paper 2015/1025

PAGES+,PAGES-, and PAGES-- - Three Families of Block Ciphers

Dieter Schmidt


PAGES+ is a family of block ciphers based on block ciphers Speck [2] and PAGES [9]. The block length was increased vom 128 bit to 512 bit and additional rounds were introduced to make the cipher more resistent against attacks. The number of rounds are 64, 96, and 128. The key size are 1024 bit, 1536 bit, and 2048 bit, respectively. The size of variables, as with PAGES, is 128 bit. Thus the variables can be stored in registers of the microprocessors of two leading suppliers. As with Speck, PAGES+ utilizes instructions with a low latency, such as addition modulo 2 128 , subtraction modulo 2 128 , XOR, and circular shifts (rotation). All these instructions are usually carried out within a few cycles. Hence despite the number of rounds is considerable, PAGES+ has a high software throughput. For a processor with a frequency of 2.5 GHz, the software throughput with the optimized version of the reference implementation is 30 megabyte per second with a key length of 2048 bit and a number of rounds of 128. In hardware or the implementation on a FPGA a considerable performance is expected, yet with a limited expense. PAGES- is a family of block ciphers based on block ciphers Speck [2] and PAGES [9]. The block length was increased vom 128 bit to 256 bit and additional rounds were introduced to make the cipher more resistent against attacks. The number of rounds are 32, 48, 64, 96, and 128. The key size are 256 bit, 384 bit, 512 bit, 768 bit, and 1024 bit, respectively. The size of variables, as with Speck, is 64 bit. As with Speck, PAGES- utilizes instructions with a low latency, such as addition modulo 2 64 , subtraction modulo 2 64 , XOR, and circular shifts (rotation). All these instructions are usually carried out within one cycle. Hence despite the number of rounds is considerable, PAGES- has a high software throughput. For a processor with a frequency of 2.5 GHz, the software throughput with the optimized version of the reference implementation is 80 megabyte per second with a key length of 1024 bit and a number of rounds of 128. PAGES– is a family of block ciphers based on block ciphers Speck [2] and PAGES [9]. The block length was increased vom 128 bit to 512 bit and additional rounds were introduced to make the cipher more resistent against attacks. The number of rounds are 32, 48, 64, 96, and 128. The key size are 512 bit, 768 bit, 1024 bit, 1536 bit, and 2048 bit respectively. The size of variables, as with Speck, is 64 bit. For a processor with a frequency of 2.5 GHz, the software throughput with the optimized version of the reference implementation is 65 megabyte per second with a key length of 2048 bit and a number of rounds of 128.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
block cipher
Contact author(s)
Dieter Schmidt 37 @ t-online de
2015-10-26: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Dieter Schmidt},
      title = {{PAGES}+,{PAGES}-, and {PAGES}-- - Three Families of Block Ciphers},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2015/1025},
      year = {2015},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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