Paper 2014/734

S-box pipelining using genetic algorithms for high-throughput AES implementations: How fast can we go?

Lejla Batina, Domagoj Jakobovic, Nele Mentens, Stjepan Picek, Antonio de la Piedra, and Dominik Sisejkovic


In the last few years, several practitioners have proposed a wide range of approaches for reducing the implementation area of the AES in hardware. However, an area-throughput trade-off that undermines high-speed is not realistic for real-time cryptographic applications. In this manuscript, we explore how Genetic Algorithms (GAs) can be used for pipelining the AES substitution box based on composite field arithmetic. We implemented a framework that parses and analyzes a Verilog netlist, abstracts it as a graph of interconnected cells and generates circuit statistics on its elements and paths. With this information, the GA extracts the appropriate arrangement of Flip-Flops (FFs) that maximizes the throughput of the given netlist. In doing so, we show that it is possible to achieve a 50 % improvement in throughput with only an 18 % increase in area in the UMC 0.13 um low-leakage standard cell library.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. INDOCRYPT 2014
AES S-BOXGenetic AlgorithmsASIC
Contact author(s)
a delapiedra @ cs ru nl
2014-09-19: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Lejla Batina and Domagoj Jakobovic and Nele Mentens and Stjepan Picek and Antonio de la Piedra and Dominik Sisejkovic},
      title = {S-box pipelining using genetic algorithms for high-throughput {AES} implementations: How fast can we go?},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2014/734},
      year = {2014},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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