Paper 2014/484
Sealing the Leak on Classical NTRU Signatures
Carlos Aguilar Melchor, Xavier Boyen, Jean-Christophe Deneuville, and Philippe Gaborit
Initial attempts to obtain lattice based signatures were closely related to reducing a vector modulo the fundamental parallelepiped of a secret basis (like GGH \cite{GGH97}, or \texttt{NTRUSign} \cite{HHPSW02}). This approach leaked some information on the secret, namely the shape of the parallelepiped, which has been exploited on practical attacks \cite{NR06}. \texttt{NTRUSign} was an extremely efficient scheme, and thus there has been a noticeable interest on developing countermeasures to the attacks, but with little success \cite{DN12}.
In \cite{GPV08} Gentry, Peikert and Vaikuntanathan proposed a randomized version of Babai's nearest plane algorithm such that the distribution of a reduced vector modulo a secret parallelepiped only depended on the size of the base used. Using this algorithm and generating large, close to uniform, public keys they managed to get provably secure GGH-like lattice-based signatures. Recently, Stehlé and Steinfeld obtained a provably secure scheme very close to \texttt{NTRUSign} \cite{SS13} (from a theoretical point of view).
In this paper we present an alternative approach to seal the leak of \texttt{NTRUSign}. Instead of modifying the lattices and algorithms used, we do a classic leaky \texttt{NTRUSign} signature and hide it with gaussian noise using techniques present in Lyubashevky's signatures. Our main contributions are thus a set of strong \texttt{NTRUSign} parameters, obtained by taking into account latest known attacks against the scheme, a statistical way to hide the leaky \texttt{NTRU} signature so that this particular instantiation of CVP-based signature scheme becomes zero-knowledge and secure against forgeries, based on the worst-case hardness of the
- Available format(s)
- Publication info
- Preprint. MINOR revision.
- Keywords
- Lattice-based CryptographyDigital SignaturesNTRUSignProvable SecuritySIS
- Contact author(s)
- jean-christophe deneuville @ xlim fr
- History
- 2014-07-21: revised
- 2014-06-23: received
- See all versions
- Short URL
- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2014/484, author = {Carlos Aguilar Melchor and Xavier Boyen and Jean-Christophe Deneuville and Philippe Gaborit}, title = {Sealing the Leak on Classical {NTRU} Signatures}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2014/484}, year = {2014}, url = {} }