Paper 2014/288

Resilient Aggregation in Simple Linear Sensor Networks

Kevin J. Henry and Douglas R. Stinson


A sensor network is a network comprised of many small, wireless, resource-limited nodes that sense data about their environment and report readings to a base station. One technique to conserve power in a sensor network is to aggregate sensor readings hop-by-hop as they travel towards a base station, thereby reducing the total number of messages required to collect each sensor reading. In an adversarial setting, the ability of a malicious node to alter this aggregate total must be limited. We present three aggregation protocols inspired by three natural key pre-distribution schemes for linear networks. Assuming no more than consecutive nodes are malicious, each of these protocols limits the capability of a malicious node to altering the aggregate total by at most a single valid sensor reading. Additionally, our protocols are able to detect malicious behavior as it occurs, allowing the protocol to be aborted early, thereby conserving energy in the remaining nodes. A rigorous proof of security is also given for each protocol.

Note: Small clarification on avoiding replay attacks added.

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
wireless sensor networkresilient aggregationlinear networkkey pre-distribution
Contact author(s)
k2henry @ uwaterloo ca
2014-05-29: revised
2014-04-26: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Kevin J.  Henry and Douglas R.  Stinson},
      title = {Resilient Aggregation in Simple Linear Sensor Networks},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2014/288},
      year = {2014},
      url = {}
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