Paper 2014/005
The analysis of the Keccak with the new method called parity
Ghanei yakhdan. mostafa
The Keccak hash function is chosen of the SHA-3 competition. This function has the appropriate structural and so far it has been resistant against collision attacks. In the last few years after efforts cryptanalysis, first, the collision in the second round and near collision in the third rounds, was found. After Shamir and Et al succeeded find collision in fourth round and near collision in 5 rounds for keccak 224,256. In this paper we propose a method that it can used, for the texts with size smaller than r and finds,collision in first round and near collision, in the second round, regardless of any probability. Our attack technique, using the find the text that have the same parity such original text in θ function. It is practical for all keccak varies and it finds collision in first round and near collision for second round in few minute. We have named this method " Parity Analyse”.
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- Preprint. MINOR revision.
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- mo65gh @ gmail com
- History
- 2014-01-10: withdrawn
- 2014-01-03: received
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