Paper 2013/462

VABKS: Verifiable Attribute-based Keyword Search over Outsourced Encrypted Data

Qingji Zheng, Shouhuai Xu, and Giuseppe Ateniese


It is common nowadays for data owners to outsource their data to the cloud. Since the cloud cannot be fully trusted, the outsourced data should be encrypted. This however brings a range of problems, such as: How should a data owner grant search capabilities to the data users? How can the authorized data users search over a data owner's outsourced encrypted data? How can the data users be assured that the cloud faithfully executed the search operations on their behalf? Motivated by these questions, we propose a novel cryptographic solution, called {\em verifiable attribute-based keyword search} (\vabks). The solution allows a data user, whose credentials satisfy a data owner's access control policy, to (i) search over the data owner's outsourced encrypted data, (ii) outsource the tedious search operations to the cloud, and (iii) verify whether the cloud has faithfully executed the search operations. We formally define the security requirements of \vabks\ and describe a construction that satisfies them. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed schemes are practical and deployable.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Major revision. IEEE INFOCOM 2014
cloud computingverifiable searchattribute-based keyword search
Contact author(s)
qingjizheng @ gmail com
2014-01-16: last of 5 revisions
2013-08-02: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Qingji Zheng and Shouhuai Xu and Giuseppe Ateniese},
      title = {{VABKS}: Verifiable Attribute-based Keyword Search over Outsourced  Encrypted Data},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2013/462},
      year = {2013},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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